Skateboarding is not only a great sport and a way to keep fit even in city life, but also a great way to have fun, chat with like-minded people and learn how to perform original and spectacular tricks that master skateboarders use to surprise their viewers.

Step 1
Learning how to perform tricks on a skateboard starts with the basic trick "Ollie". The ability to do "Ollie" will help you to master other, more complex tricks in the future. To start, place your dominant foot in the middle of the skateboard deck and place the foot you are pushing off the ground with on the back of the skateboard.
Step 2
Bend your knees slightly and then take a hard kick with your jogging foot on the tail point of the board. As you click the tail of the skateboard on the ground, push off the surface while holding the skateboard and directing the leading edge straight up. The more powerful you hit the ground with the tail, the more powerful and higher the jump will be. After lifting off the ground, extend the board by moving your lead foot up and forward along the surface of the board.
Step 3
The next stage of the trick is landing. It is very important to master the landing and do it correctly to avoid injury and damage. To do this, start practicing by jumping to a low height, and during landing, place your feet in the area of the skateboard bolts and control your center of gravity, directing it to the center point of the board. Do not lean forward or backward - keep your body straight. Practice doing "Ollie" as often as possible and you will soon start doing this trick with ease.
Step 4
As your skill level improves, you can try the more difficult Hard Flip trick. Place your jogging foot on the back of the board and place your dominant foot behind the middle of the board, closer to the front. Bend your knees slightly and click with your jogging foot, just like in the previous trick.
Step 5
Move the foot of the jogging foot forward of your body doing the Shove ıt trick, which is also worth learning, while swinging the foot of the leading foot up, to the side and forward, turning the hip outward and bending the knee.
Step 6
Spin the board in this way, and then try to return your legs to their original position, placing them on a board that has turned in the air and land gently. There are also more complex variations of this trick - for example, in some tricks you can turn the skateboard under you around its axis 360 degrees at once.
Step 7
To master such complex tricks, as well as to combine several tricks into one, train as much as possible and be consistent in your training - do not perform very difficult tricks until you have mastered all the elements that make them up separately.