In order to ride on the water surface or go fishing, you need a floating craft - a rubber boat. Our article will tell you how to choose the right boat and what to look for when choosing.

First of all, we will consider the disadvantages and main advantages of this floating device.
- ease of construction;
- stability;
- mobility and portability;
- shallow sediment;
- noiseless operation;
- economical fuel consumption (due to lower weight).
- risk of rupture of the coating as a result of air expansion, with strong heating;
- the possibility of mechanical damage with sharp objects (glass, sharp stones);
- dependence on the wind.
Before choosing a boat, you should pay attention to the number of seats. There are single and double and multi-seat rubber boats. Two-seater are considered optimal - they combine good carrying capacity (up to 250 kg), capacity and compact size.
An important factor when choosing is the material from which the boat is made. In most cases, inflatable boats are made of hipalon (rubber-like material, artificial) and PVC (polyvinyl chloride). The seller should clarify whether the material from which the boat is made has a quality certificate telling about its intended use for creating an inflatable boat.
Seams should be inspected before purchasing. The seams must be free of glue residue. The fabric around the seam should be the same texture and color as the rest of the inflatable boat material. On top of the seam, strips of material can be glued to prevent the surface from tearing due to abrasion.
Carefully inspect the transom under the motor - a board no more than 35 mm thick. The reliability of the transom fastening ensures the strength of the entire structure.
The pump is an indispensable attribute of the inflatable boat. For these types of boats, frog pumps are used. It is preferable to purchase domestic-made pumps, the appearance of which does not amaze with sophistication, but it guarantees you durability and reliability.
Oars are one of the main design details. They are made of aluminum or wood (material for economy class oars). Paddles for oars are made of polypropylene (small working surface area, strength), plastic (sensitivity to mechanical stress and temperature extremes, large area)
Payolas are sheets from which the floor of an inflatable boat is assembled. They are made from plywood and aluminum. Plywood floorboards are suitable for fishing, as they have less sound conductivity.
If you have the opportunity, then opt for an inflatable boat equipped with a keel. The structure equipped with it will cut the wave better, which contributes to a faster and smoother ride.