Underwater guns, approved for use in all civilized countries, belong to the category of harpoon guns, for which only the muscular efforts of the hunter are used to charge. By their design, they are divided into crossbows, which use the force of rubber traction, and pneumatic guns, which use the force of compressed air. Of the latter, air guns are the most popular. But there are general guidelines to help you choose a speargun.

Step 1
The choice of a speargun is primarily determined by the conditions in which you are going to hunt. Do not buy yourself a complete universal set that will come in handy for all occasions, limit yourself to the choice of equipment necessary for the given hunting conditions. If you are just going to dive and hunt while relaxing on the resort beaches, then get the simplest marine rubber spear gun. A length of 75-90 cm will be optimal for such a case.
Step 2
Pneumatic guns come in two varieties - with and without variable force. The force of the fight depends on the length of the gun, the maximum working pressure can reach 30 kg / cm 2. The anatomical grip of the gun should have a pistol position, this will reduce the recoil and toss of the barrel, such guns are distinguished by good combat accuracy. The advantages of an underwater pneumatic gun include such additions as positive or neutral buoyancy, ease of use. Ask your sales consultant about the availability of service centers where you can fix a malfunction or replace an out-of-service part.
Step 3
Rubber-drawn crossbows are distinguished by their simplicity and high structural reliability. There are many modifications of these guns, which differ in the number of rods and harpoons. The force of the fight is regulated by the force of the vacuum rubber mounted on the gun and the notches for which the rod is attached. When choosing an underwater gun of this type, take an interest in the possibility of replacing spare rubber rods and harpoons.