Modern communication technologies allow you to organize a cable channel even at your entrance or in a summer cottage village. Not to mention the fact that television broadcasting is available to any Internet user. The program of each channel, as a rule, includes programs for children. It is necessary to conduct them in such a way that small viewers are looking forward to each next program.

It is necessary
- - equipped studio;
- - soft furniture;
- - toys;
- - a place for drawing or making crafts;
- - co-hosts;
- - script.
Step 1
Write a sample script. The theme of the children's program depends on the age of your future viewers. The show for children does not have to be purely entertaining. Think about what you are good at. You can teach children to draw, do crafts, compose stories and fairy tales. You can arrange a TV tour of the city or a museum. The transmission time depends on the age of the children. For babies, it can be very short, from 5 to 15 minutes. The adolescent program is usually the same duration as the adult program. The transmission usually consists of several parts. For example, first you give a drawing lesson and then you show a movie about a museum. Also consider whether you will collect and display children's work.
Step 2
Decorate your studio. In professional television studios, a special backdrop is usually used, which changes depending on the topic of the program. For an amateur program, such costs are not at all necessary. Choose a solid, dark, but not black background. You can hang it on a regular window cornice. Make sure that no edges are visible in the frame. It is better to take modular furniture so that it can be quickly changed. In one show, you tell the children a story while sitting in an armchair. In the next one, you and your co-hosts will draw, so it is better to move the modules apart, turning them into soft stools.
Step 3
Consider if you need co-hosts. Toys or fairy-tale characters can lead the show for toddlers. Children can also be co-hosts. For example, you have a familiar child who is engaged in some interesting circle. Give him a few minutes for video tutorials. In a program for the smallest, the leading role is always assigned to an adult presenter. If you are doing a program for teenagers, the adult may not be in the frame at all. Your task in this case is to prepare the guys.
Step 4
Take care of your appearance. Makeup for the TV presenter is required, otherwise the face will not be visible. Do some trials. Makeup shouldn't be too bright or intimidating. Remember that very small viewers are often intimidated if they see too obvious changes in the human face. Bring your eyes, touch up the lips and cheeks, but so that it is not too noticeable. Make-up is also required for the male presenter. Remove all shiny objects from yourself.
Step 5
Start your program with a greeting. Say hello, introduce yourself and introduce your co-hosts. Toddlers usually call the leaders simply by their first name. For older children, you can come up with pseudonyms for yourself and your partners. Animals and dolls should also have names - such that children can easily remember them.
Step 6
At the beginning of the very first program, tell what it will be about. This can be done in free form. For example, tell us that you are going to travel. Travels are very different - to other countries, to other planets, to a fairy-tale world, to a very real museum. At the beginning of each next program, in a nutshell remind viewers what happened in the previous program. It is very good if you gave the children an assignment. Make sure that the results of this task somehow get on the transfer. For example, remind the audience that they were going to draw winter, bring some drawings to the studio and show them to everyone. If, in fact, no one brought you anything, imagine that there are spectators who have completed the task. You can ask one of the children you know to make a drawing or craft.
Step 7
Talk to young children in a calm and affectionate tone. A presenter's speech for teenagers can be dynamic, but in any case, it should not be harsh or harsh. Of course, there should be no obscene language. Try to avoid colloquial speech as well. In cases of doubt, use the Russian Speech on the Air reference book or the spelling dictionary.
Step 8
Use short sentences. The general requirement for radio broadcasts is that a sentence should not be longer than three or four words. Use only the simplest numbers. For example, instead of “two and five tenths” it is better to say “two and a half”, and instead of “two and forty four hundredths” - “about two”.
Step 9
Be sure to give your homework at the end of the show. Children will be able to consolidate the knowledge they received. They will be looking forward to the next program when they can see the results. Summarize at the end. Remind me of what you did, who hosted the program, and when the next show will be. Don't forget to say goodbye.