In a number of cases, modern legislation surprises with its innovations. One of the latest innovations can be considered a law, in connection with the entry into force of which the leaders of the television channel "2x2" will have to take measures to amend the content of the animated film "The Simpsons". This will affect characters like Itchy and Scratchy.

The characters Itchy and Scratchy parody the cat and mouse from the famous TV series "Tom and Jerry", but in a much more violent form. Each time the mouse subtly destroys the cat in all possible ways, and in the next episode everything starts from the beginning. It's not a storyline, but Itchy and Scratchy have appeared in over 30 episodes over the course of several seasons.
The creators of the cartoon in an ironic form demonstrated their attitude to such a plot when, in one of the episodes, the heroine of the series, Marge, tried to resent the fact that these scenes are too cruel for children to watch. But her protest was ignored and the Itchy and Scratchy line didn't end there. Now the turn of indignation has reached Russia, where the law "On the protection of children from information that is harmful to their health and development" was adopted.
It came into effect on September 1, 2012, and in accordance with its requirements, television companies must control the quality of the displayed products, which are divided by age categories. It is forbidden to show programs with scenes of violence, as well as with actions that can be regarded as propaganda of alcohol and smoking, to persons under 18 years of age. Or they can be shown from 23 pm to 4 am. These include the Itchy and Scratchy scenes.
For this reason, the management of the 2x2 channel is forced to take measures to ensure that the programs shown by their channel comply with the requirements of the law. This is possible by cutting out the relevant scenes or completely refusing to broadcast them, since it is not very advisable to show cartoons for children at night. Moreover, the ban on cartoons was not limited to The Simpsons. If you follow all the requirements of the law, then the children will also not see the seemingly harmless series "Just you wait!", In which the wolf smokes and drinks. Other children's programs should also be censored to avoid the promotion of prostitution, violence, alcohol and smoking.