Having decided to learn Argentine tango, people often think that they will need to learn some movements and combinations, and then perform a ready-made dance, as experienced masters do during performances. In fact, the essence of this art is the ability to improvise.

Performing Argentine tango is not a repetition of a previously memorized one, when the brain dictates movement to the body. This art is much more complex - when dancing, partners must not only think, but also strain their senses, instantly catch and decipher each other's signals and decide in a split second what the next movement should be in order for the dance to retain its beauty. Hearing, touch, sight, as well as consciousness and subconsciousness are involved in this process. This is a terrific training for the mind and intuition. Of course, at first glance, improvisation seems extremely difficult, but good Argentine tango teachers will teach you it, and you will find that dancing is much easier than you think.
One of the important points in Argentine tango is the ability to assess the situation without being distracted from your partner. When dancing, a man and a woman should not touch other couples, as well as walls, objects, etc. This means that, choosing each next movement, you will have to take into account the peculiarities of the space around you. This skill will be very useful not only in dance, but also in everyday life.
Whirling around in a pre-memorized dance, you work your head, but you do not use your senses. Your body follows the movements that you memorized. Argentine tango, on the other hand, will allow you to move the way you want, to express your feelings in dance, to free yourself from unnecessary thoughts. You do not have to feverishly remember how this or that movement is performed, think if you are doing everything right, fear that you will get lost and ruin everything. Thanks to Argentine tango trainings, you will be able to get vivid sensations and the opportunity to express yourself, which is not always available in everyday life.
Of course, you should take into account that you will have to learn the basic movements and combinations, understand the peculiarities of hugs in Argentine tango, the intricacies of performing steps. When you understand, remember them and learn to repeat them freely, without thinking about each movement and not making mistakes, you can move on to improvisation.
It is important to understand that improvisation in Argentine tango is not at all reduced to "dancing without rules", when partners get up to whatever comes to their mind, making the movements erratic or even ridiculous. There are a number of important things that dancers need to consider. In particular, you should remember about the roles of men and women in tango, be able to listen to your partner, and, of course, use special movements. You will learn all this while practicing Argentine tango, and soon impromptu dance will no longer cause you any difficulties.