The Pentagram (or Pentacle) is a conformal five-pointed star, one of the most ancient and famous magical symbols. In fact, it is a regular pentagon with isosceles triangles on each side. The pentagram was used in different magical and religious directions and its meanings varied depending on this. But in general, symbolizing the five natural elements, the pentagram means safety and protection, the victory of the spiritual over the material, is used as a talisman.

It is necessary
Compasses, ruler; or Photoshop
Step 1
The pentagram is sometimes called the "knot of infinity", because it can be drawn without lifting your hand and never repeating the same line. In fact, there are several ways to draw a five-pointed star. It is believed that the creative stars are drawn clockwise, the destructive ones - against. Make a circle with a compass, then divide it into 5 sectors, starting from the center, so that the angles are equal to 72 degrees. Connect the five points formed on the circle with each other - you get a pentagon, then connect the vertices of the pentagon with lines. If you want to draw a pentagram without lifting your hands, start at the bottom left corner and work your way clockwise.
Step 2
Second way. Construct a regular pentagon according to the method of the graphic artist and painter Albrecht Durer. Draw a circle with a compass, draw a line of diameter, mark the center of the circle with point O. mark point A on the circle and point E in the middle of segment OA. Draw a perpendicular to radius OA from point O, it will intersect the circle at point D. Put a compass on the diameter of segment CE equal to ED. The resulting segment DC is the side of the pentagon. Set aside five of these lines on the circle - the pentagon is ready. Connect its corners with diagonals.
Step 3
Third way. Using a curly ruler, draw a pentagon, then draw lines along each side of it, they will connect to each other at the intersection points. You will get equilateral triangles on the sides of the pentagon. Erase the excess.
Step 4
To draw a pentagram in Photoshop (or another graphics editor), create a pentagon using the Polygon Tool (U), for a straight star - with an upward angle. Create a new layer (Layer) and use the Line Tool to connect all the corners of the pentagon. The five-pointed star is ready. Circle the lines with the desired color if desired.