How To Draw A Giraffe

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How To Draw A Giraffe
How To Draw A Giraffe

Video: How To Draw A Giraffe

Video: How To Draw A Giraffe
Video: How To Draw A Cartoon Giraffe 2024, December

The female rabbit is called the rabbit, the female elephant is the elephant, the female tiger is the tigress. And what is the name of the female giraffe, the tallest mammal in the world? Maybe a giraffe? In everyday colloquial speech, people usually use this name. Does the giraffe have any distinguishing features from the male, i.e. the giraffe itself? And how to draw this giraffe? In fact, everything is not that difficult. It is enough to show imagination and ingenuity when drawing giraffes.

The giraffe is the tallest animal on the planet
The giraffe is the tallest animal on the planet


Step 1

First, two ovals should be drawn on a piece of paper. The bottom oval should be twice the size of the top.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 2

Next, the ovals should be connected with two straight lines. The head, neck and torso of the future giraffe are drawn.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 3

Now you should draw a giraffe with 4 legs. The two legs come to the fore in the drawing. Each of them consists of two straight lines and a small trapezoid. The two legs remaining in the background in the drawing are not fully depicted.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 4

On the head of the giraffes, you need to draw protruding triangular ears.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 5

And now, next to the ears, horns should be added, consisting of straight lines and small circles.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 6

On the head of a charming giraffe, you need to draw eyes with long cilia.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 7

Now we need to draw a ponytail with a heart instead of a brush at the end of the giraffe.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 8

Tidy round lips will add more attractiveness and charm to the giraffe. In addition to them, on the face of the animal, two small dots should show barely noticeable nostrils.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 9

On the tips of the legs of the giraffe, narrow triangular hooves should be depicted.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 10

Now it's time to remove all the extra pencil lines with an eraser and draw small spots of the most diverse shapes on the giraffe's body.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 11

Round beads painted on the neck of the animal will be able to emphasize the femininity of giraffes.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 12

And on the ears of the spotted beauty, round earrings will look very original.

How to draw a giraffe
How to draw a giraffe

Step 13

Now the giraffe should be colored. Its head, ears, neck, torso and legs can be painted beige or light brown, spots on the body and tail can be made red, hooves are brown, eyes are blue, lips are bright red, and beads and earrings can be painted in any, the most unexpected color … Not a single giraffe can resist the charm and beauty of such a charming giraffe.
