The old oriental backgammon game is still very popular today. At first glance, backgammon seems like a very simple game that does not require any special strategy. It is enough to just roll the dice and move the chips in accordance with the received points, and the winning depends entirely on random luck. In fact, this is completely wrong, and even with a smaller number of points dropped, you can win a brilliant victory if you act wisely.

Step 1
From the very beginning of the game, remember that the essence of the game is to remove all your chips from the board before your opponent. To do this, you throw a random number of points on the dice and move your counters according to them. However, before you make each new move, you need to determine if it will be useful for your position.
Step 2
Keep in mind that it is necessary to conquer strategic superiority from the very first turns of the game. To achieve the greatest success here, adhere to the old rule: one chip goes forward, and the second is taken from the "head", that is, from the initial position, when all the chips are located on the same first line. This technique will allow you to quickly introduce all the chips into the game and take the most advantageous positions.
Step 3
At the beginning of the game, do not allow your opponent to occupy more than three adjacent positions at your "head". Otherwise, it will create a big advantage for him and make it much more difficult for you to withdraw your own chips from the starting position. Accordingly, if the number of dropped points and the game situation allow, try to take similar positions on the side of the enemy.
Step 4
Do not seek to occupy your 6th position from the "head", as it does not provide any tactical advantages. It is impossible to move from it to such an important third quarter of the board (to the opponent's side) and it is extremely inconvenient to advance your checkers. It is better to try to get up either a little earlier (at 4-5 positions of the first quarter of the board), or already in the middle of the 2nd quarter, so that from this position you can immediately step onto the opponent's half.
Step 5
From the very beginning of the game, pay special attention to the jackpot dropped out (duplicated points on the game dice - 2x2, 4x4, 6x6, etc.). The jackpot allows you to make four moves, if necessary, instead of two, and this is a very important point. Therefore, initially try to arrange your chips taking into account the possibility of a double. A successful placement and a timely winning jackpot can radically change the entire result of the game.
Step 6
If you see that your opponent is approaching your 1st and 2nd quarters, try to create obstacles for his chips by sequentially occupying 3 to 5 positions in a row. Six points do not come up very often and a solid line of 5 checkers can significantly slow down an opponent's progress.
Step 7
When you have already come close to the “home” (the last quarter of the board, from where you can start dropping checkers), try to occupy it heaply from the middle, taking the most advantageous positions to which you can easily move your checkers. While moving, try to defend all your checkers so that none of them is blocked by the opponent's pieces. Otherwise, due to the unsuccessful position of one checker, you can get stuck in place for a long time and lose the whole game.