Yoko Ono is the second wife of John Lennon, a woman who had a huge impact on the work of the great musician. She is considered guilty of the collapse of the famous four The Beatls and even an indirect cause of the death of the ex-Beatle.

Childhood and youth
Yoko Ono was born into a wealthy multinational family. Her father was a banker, the girl spent her childhood traveling between Tokyo and New York. Yoko graduated from a prestigious school in the Japanese capital, and then entered one of the best universities in the Faculty of Philosophy. However, after a couple of semesters, she decided to move to New York, deciding to study art. The girl's choice fell on Sarah Lawrence College.
Parents were not happy with Yoko's decision, they predicted a completely different career for their daughter. In addition, studying at an art college implied close communication with bohemians: actors, graphic artists, musicians. Parents considered this audience absolutely unsuitable, but the girl was firm in her decision to paint. Later, she became interested in performances that were just becoming fashionable. Ono tried to perform on stage, acting also carried her away. People began to pay attention to the original with an exotic appearance. Yoko was not a beauty in the conventional sense of the word, but she always attracted interesting men.

The first marriage took place in 1956, falling in love with the young composer Toshi Ichiyanagi. The young people lived for 6 years and parted on the initiative of Yoko. The reason is trivial - the girl fell in love again. Ono's second husband was jazzman Anthony Cox. It turned out that the newly-made spouses ideally complement each other in a creative way, but they are absolutely unable to live together. In the marriage, a daughter, Kyoko, was born, but her appearance did not turn the young mother into an exemplary wife. The second marriage ended in a quick separation, but the former spouses maintained friendly relations and met often.
Fateful meeting
John Lennon became the third serious hobby of the charismatic Japanese woman. True, in the intervals between major novels, she did not deny herself fleeting loves and intrigues, believing that this only stimulates her creative potential.

Yoko met Lenn while she was still officially married. However, she did not consider it necessary to hide her new hobby and plunged into passion. This demonstrative behavior upset Anthony, he took his daughter and for a long time did not allow her to see her mother. Later, the relationship returned to normal, but the close connection with the child was lost.
At the time of their acquaintance, Lennon was 24 years old. He was married to Cynthia Powell, raised a young son, Julian, and was completely absorbed in creativity. However, the biographers of the most famous Beatle are unanimous: despite world fame, money, fantastic success and millions of copies of records, Lennon was bored. It seemed to him that everything significant in life had already happened, a new impetus, doping, an incentive for creativity and life was required.
This incentive was the thirty-three-year-old Yoko Ono. The young people met at the exhibition, and the musician, who was not particularly interested in art, did not appreciate the artist's work at all. On the other hand, Ohno herself became very interested in John. The presence of his wife did not bother her.
Yoko began a real attack on John: she sent him postcards with philosophical thoughts, invited him to conversations, constantly encountered neither at events and parties. The woman was smart and understood that she should not mix with the crowd of female fans; a musician who was spoiled by the attention of a musician should be taught to herself gradually. The tactical plan was a success - soon it and Lennon became lovers, and then all the friends found out about the novel.
According to John, Yoko became everything to him: a beloved woman, wife, mother and muse. She was ambiguous, bright, very strong and domineering - this was exactly what the musician lacked. Soon Lennon could not do without Ono, she became a real obsession for him. Colleagues in the group were unhappy, believing that the woman was suppressing the musician, trying to close him only on herself. However, the couple was not interested in criticism: they shocked the audience, arranged bold photo shoots and performances, and handed out interviews.

The official marriage was concluded in 1969. After the collapse of The Beatles, the couple organized their own group, but they did not have success. Joint actions also did not attract the public, Lennon's popularity was falling. Family life was also not smooth: a couple of times Lennon tried to leave, but Ono noticed her husband's boredom in time and organized small but fascinating affairs for him. In 1973, the couple thought about divorce and decided to part ways. However, a year later, the couple reunited, in 1975 their only common child, Sean, was born.
Life after Lennon

It is unknown how long the marriage to John would have lasted. The point was made by his murder in 1980. After a while, Ono remarried, and the antiquarian Sam Hawadta became the chosen one. Yoko continued to paint, recorded new songs, released albums with mixes of her own compositions and little-known Lennon's songs.
Today, the eccentric artist and singer continues to experiment in art, from time to time organizing creative exhibitions. Some of the projects were created with the participation of Sean Lennon, singer and musician. However, the public is sure that Yoko owes her fame to John Lennon. The glimmer of the great musician's talent remained with her forever, providing the attention of the media and the interest of fans.