The name is the calling card of the group. It is necessary to approach his choice very seriously, because all performances will be held under this name. The name should be bright, recognizable and must be associated with the members of the team. Such issues should be discussed by all members of the group, and not solely by the founder or leader.

Step 1
First of all, you need to take into account that you are unlikely to be able to come up with something completely new. So start with a simple search for associations. The name of a musical group should be bright, beautiful and carry a semantic load.
Step 2
An important role is played by what kind of creativity your team is dedicated to. Obviously, for any direction you can find stereotypes in the names. So, women's dance groups often have the prefix “Dance” in their name. Try to move away from these obsessive standards.
Step 3
When choosing a name, it is worth analyzing the age of the group members. For example, it would be too vulgar for women over thirty to call themselves "Cherries" or "Strawberries", and children's names are no longer relevant for a group of girls 16-20 years old.
Step 4
It would be quite a good decision to reflect the style of music or dance in the name. It doesn't have to be direct prefixes like "Rock …" or "Pop …". Find associations that are easy for the public to understand. For example, "Scheherazade" - for a female group doing oriental dances.
Step 5
Many popular bands have created a name by adding the first letters or whole syllables of the names or surnames of the band members. Try and experiment with initials. They can even form a meaningful word or phrase.
Step 6
You can get inspiration for a band name from a shared interest. Surely the participating girls spend a lot of time together, and there is something that they all like: magazines, shops, clubs, sports, flowers, etc. This can lead to a productive conversation that generates interesting ideas about the name.
Step 7
Try to use foreign words in the name of your team. If you have already developed some kind of base of variants of names in Russian, try translating them into English, German, French, etc. Perhaps you will come across an interesting, more harmonious sound of the same phrases.
Step 8
The name of the collective should be catchy and memorable, especially when it comes to a female group, of which there are a lot on the stage. Even if you did not manage to come up with the original name or you deliberately decided to make it stereotyped, try to keep within one or two words, no more.