In various types of needlework, braided pigtails are often used - as decorative elements, as well as fasteners, fasteners, braids, and other necessary details for jewelry and hand-made items. A beautiful and intricate braid made of threads can become an independent decoration if done carefully. In this article we will tell you how to weave different types of braids - from the simplest to the more complex ones, using any materials: threads, cords, ribbons or braid. The length of the threads for weaving should be 2.5 times the length of the intended pigtail.

Step 1
It is most convenient to work by tying the ends of the pigtails into a knot and pinning them to the cushion or back of the chair. If there are too many threads in the braid, hold them together in a row with a clip.
Step 2
To weave the simplest braid of three strands, tie them into a bun and attach to the base. Place the leftmost thread on top of the middle thread. Then place the thread on the far right on top of the middle thread.
Step 3
Continue to weave the outer strands, placing them on top of each other on the middle strand, until the braid ends.
Step 4
Fold two strands of contrasting colors in half, tie at the ends and attach to the base. Place two strands of one color in the center and two strands of a different color on the sides to create a four-strand braid. Cross the extreme single-colored threads - place the right over the left, placing them between the central threads.
Step 5
Place the second thread from the right on the rightmost thread and cross it with the second thread from the left. Continue braiding using this technique to create a decorative, two-tone, four-row braid.
Step 6
The braid pattern will change slightly if you take, as in the previous case, two contrasting strands bent in half and distribute them so that two strands of one color are on the left, and two strands of a different color are on the right.
Step 7
Place the first thread on the left on the second, and bring the third thread between the threads of contrasting colors on top of the third thread. Place the fourth strand behind the crossed strands and place on the first. If you do not get confused during the weaving process, you will end up with a pigtail with a snake.
Step 8
More complex braids are made from five and seven strands. To weave a five-strand braid, use one or two strands of yarn, alternating between the colors in the braid. Place the first thread on the left between the second and third from the top. Place the fifth thread between the first and third from the top. Continue to weave, overlapping the end strand over two adjacent strands and braiding all the way through.
Step 9
From seven strands, a beautiful double braid is obtained. To complete it, place the first thread on the left over the second, and then pass it under the third and fourth. Place the seventh (far right) thread on top of the sixth and pass under the heel and first. The extreme thread in such weaving is passed under the adjacent one and superimposed on the next two.