Due to the high cost of real pearls, there is a great alternative to it - an artificial pearl, from which you can independently assemble a thread of a wonderful original jewelry, which is not inferior in beauty to natural.

It is necessary
- - pearls;
- - fishing line or wire;
- - clasp;
- - scissors.
Step 1
Pearl. Buy beads online or in a special store, preferably in various shades and of any diameter. For the intended decoration, their number is very easy to calculate - divide the length of the product by the diameter of the bead. The resulting number will give the required amount.
Step 2
Prepare fishing line or wire. If the structure of the product is complex, voluminous and supposes rigid fixation of the conceived pearl "pattern", then for these purposes it is better to use wire, which can be of different thickness. If it is conceived to make an ordinary low, then a special fishing line, which is available for sale, will be enough. It comes in a variety of colors. This makes it possible to mask it between the beads.
Step 3
Select clasps. Clasps can be gold, silver and bronze. They differ in the method of fixation, and therefore it is possible to choose the most suitable type for the beads. Keep in mind that pearls are a fairly heavy piece of jewelry, and therefore the line and clasp must be reliable.
Step 4
Pick up additional inserts. Pearl beads can be additionally decorated with beads from another material or beads by passing them between the pearls. There can be a variety of combinations for this. It is permissible to pick up beads of harmonious shades or contrasting ones. For example, white pearls go well with black beads.
Step 5
Select the order of the pearl beads. Considering that beads are available in any size, you can arrange in decreasing order of their diameter from the middle of the item to the clasp that is at the back. An interesting option would be in which the beads are arranged according to the * small-large-small * pattern. Between them, you can also put small beads from a different material, large beads of an unusual shape or beads.
Step 6
Arrange the beads on the table in the order in which they will be placed on the fishing line. Take the clasp, open it, tie to one of its parts a fishing line with a length that exceeds the size of the product by 20-30 cm (in case you want to make the beads a little larger). String the beads on the line one by one, then firmly tie the second part of the clasp to the end. The pearl jewelry is ready.