Handmade items are especially appreciated: they are individual, original and made with love. And although there are plenty of industrial washcloths on sale, you can make this useful little thing for yourself, your relatives or friends yourself.

The shape of such a product can be any: from a simple rectangle to funny animal figures, which will especially delight children and become their favorite toy while swimming. Washcloths in the shape of a ball also look original. Wash-gloves are convenient to use.
A self-tied washcloth will serve not only as a "tool" for washing, but also as an excellent means for peeling, and will also become an irreplaceable assistant in the fight against cellulite. In addition, it can be a great decoration for the bathroom, if you choose the color and design in accordance with the rest of the decoration of the room.
It is better to knit a loofah with a crochet No. 5 or larger - otherwise, the product will turn out to be too dense, and therefore tough. If the knit is loose, it will be much easier to lather soap or shower gel. To achieve more foam, you can place a foam insert inside the sponge.
Many people prefer to knit washcloths from nylon threads. Indeed, in this case, the products are very durable. In addition, it is easy to pick up synthetic yarns in bright colors and make the loofah more elegant. But for people who prefer natural materials, as well as for children, it is better to make a loofah from twine, sisal, flax or even cotton. Perhaps the product will not be as spectacular, but undoubtedly more beneficial for the skin.
The easiest to make is a round washcloth. It is a flat crocheted circle with a loop attached to it. At the beginning of knitting, make a chain of 3 air loops and close it into a ring. Work 6 single crochets into the ring. Create the next row by knitting 2 single crochets in each loop of the previous row. Continue knitting in a circle, adding at regular intervals a total of 6 loops in each next row. Continue working until the product reaches the desired size. For ease of use, you can attach a wide elastic band or a loop of a knitted cord from the seamy side. This washcloth is suitable for peeling procedures.
It is also convenient to use a product of this shape for washing dishes.
If you think that it is more convenient to use a loofah-mitten, make one for yourself, since it is no more difficult than knitting a round loofah. It is not necessary to knit the thumb compartment to simplify the process. First, tie a chain of 25-30 stitches and connect it into a ring. If you have a narrow enough hand, you can reduce the number of loops in the chain, if you have a wide hand, vice versa. Knit round with single crochet, without making increases. At the beginning of each row, do not forget that you need to knit 1 lifting loop, and connect the rows with a connecting post. Knit until the knitted fabric worn on your hand reaches the level of the tip of your little finger. Then, in each subsequent row, make 4 decreases at regular intervals. When there are 4 loops in the row, knit them as one and finish knitting.
You can attach a ring knitted from air loops to the finished product - it will be convenient to hang such a washcloth.
Washcloths-mittens for children can be decorated with knitted elements so that you get funny animals. To do this, tie and attach the ears, eyes, nose, and other parts to the mitten, which will allow you to turn an ordinary personal hygiene item into a fun bathing toy.
Over time, you can master other, more complex methods of crocheting washcloths.