Alexander Loye's Wife: Photo

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Alexander Loye's Wife: Photo
Alexander Loye's Wife: Photo

Video: Alexander Loye's Wife: Photo

Video: Alexander Loye's Wife: Photo
Video: Kuzin Alex photos 2024, October

His striking appearance allowed Alexander Loye to become a famous artist at the age of 5. However, over time, interest in the actor subsided, Loye does not act in films so often, but about his personal life.

the former star is known very little.

Alexander Loye
Alexander Loye

The beginning of success

It was the summer of 1988. The Loye family was vacationing at a dacha near Moscow, and a film crew of the film "Dubrovsky" settled nearby. The textured red-haired boy was constantly spinning next to the set where the movie was filmed, which the director of the film could not help but notice. The fiery hair played into the hands of five-year-old Sasha, which allowed him to act in films for the first time. At that time, the role was not even episodic, but rather a fleeting presence in the frame, but these few minutes became decisive in the further acting life of Alexander Loye.

The boy's shooting schedule was so busy that his mother had to leave work to accompany her son at work. The woman not only regularly performed the duties of a mother, but also managed to master the profession of "crackers", an editor, and also starred in several episodes.

The first project that brought real fame to Sasha Loye was an advertisement for Hershey Cola soda. With his honestly earned money, the boy bought a washing machine.

Lull in career

As often happens in the lives of many actors who have rapidly burst into the world of cinema, the demand for Sasha Loye gradually faded away. For five years, the growing up Alexander did not receive offers from directors, which could not affect his emotional state. Failure in grade 10 almost caused the teenager to be expelled from school, but Sasha was able to pull himself together and close his "tails". After leaving school, Loye entered GITIS at the acting department, but never graduated. Almost at the very beginning of his studies, Alexander transferred to the Schepkinsky School, having received the coveted diploma of an actor in 2006.


Alexander Loye got his first leading role in the film "Tranti-Vanti" (1989). The film, directed by Eduard Gavrilov, is based on the story “My Bells” by Irina Khristolyubova. Sasha got the role of Arkani Fedin - a friend of the first-grader Yegor Tarantin from the village of Verkhnyaya Kurya. The boy is a great inventor and constantly comes up with incredible stories, which he falls into with a friend.

1990 was marked for the actor by the release of the Hungarian-Soviet project "Homo Novus". The film is about the teacher Galina Alekseevna, whom the students declared a boycott for her intemperance. The bullying crossed all the boundaries of the possible and grew into a collective revenge. The film directed by Pal Erdos also stars Georgy Taratorkin, Irina Kupchenko and other famous actors.

In 1991, Alexander Loye got the main role in the film "The Year of the Good Child". Adventure picture, according to the plot, instead of the alleged Prince Philip, Roma Rogov, played by Sasha, is in the hands of the criminals. The frame also featured such screen stars as Valentina Talyzina, Semyon Farada, Lev Durov.

The continuation of the main roles in the cinema was a series of filming in the humorous newsreel "Yeralash". Loye spent 4 years on the project, after which he left, having quarreled with the artistic director.

Until the 2000s, Alexander managed to star in the comedy "Good weather on Deribasovskaya or It rains again on Brighton Beach," the tragicomedy "Little Men of Bolshevik Lane or I Want a Beer", the melodrama "My Family Heirloom", the comedy "Dreams" by Karen Shakhnazarov, drama by Mikhail Katz "Lame will enter first" (Ukraine) and "The Adventures of Solnyshkin", where he played the main role of a cabin boy.

The project "NEXT", in which Loye starred together with the famous actor Alexander Abdulov, became for him to some extent the next stage in his career. The series turned out to be popular, in total four seasons were filmed, and the role of Fedechka became a step for Loye into adulthood.

The following were mostly supporting roles and episodes. Only in 2011, the matured Alexander played Larion Weber in the film by Sergei Bystritsky "The White Crow".

The 2016th year for the actor was marked by the release of the project "The Penalty", where Loye got only a cameo role. A series of joint Russian-Ukrainian production. The film was directed by Oleg Fomin. According to the author's idea, the front-line soldier Ignat Belov, played by the famous actor Kirill Safonov, was arrested and ended up in the dungeons of the UGRO by mistake. Injection into a criminal group becomes the only opportunity for a young military man to be free.

In the same year, work was completed on the project of the First Channel "Zhurnalyugi". A series produced by the Russian Project studio, directed by Sergei Korotaev. The plot revolves around the comic adventures of two journalist friends. The constant pursuit of sensation leads to falling into ridiculous situations. In the picture, Loye played a supporting role. About any other projects in production, or filming processes with the participation of Alexander Loye, is still unknown.

Personal life and wife Loye

Alexander Loye prefers not to talk about his personal life. It is known that the actor lives with his mother, is rather closed and is in no hurry to tie the knot. Loye does not advertise his companions, does not appear with them in public and does not post their photos on social networks. The actor prefers to spend his free time alone, considering the opportunity to be alone with himself to be the best option for rest.

According to the media, a family for Loye is possible with a combination of several factors: the presence of mutual respect, understanding and trust. The actor sees his chosen one as a woman enthusiastic and interesting, but so far Alexander has not yet met the love of his life.
