"Ranetki" is a female musical rock group that has rapidly burst into show business. Fame was brought to them by the soundtrack for the TV series "Kadetstvo", and then the series on the STS TV channel. During its existence, Ranetki became laureates of the Five Stars and Eurosonic 2008 contests, and received 2 Muz-TV awards in 2009 (Best Soundtrack and Best Album). The group formally disbanded in 2012.

Composition of the group
The first composition of the group included 6 people: Alina Petrova, Lena Galperina, Anya Rudneva, Natasha Shchelkova, Zhenya Ogurtsova and Leru Kozlova. The girls were selected for the project as a result of a long casting. At the end of 2005, Lena Halperina left Ranetok, and Lena Tretyakova took her place. A few weeks later, Alina Petrova also refused to participate in the project. On August 10, 2005, the Ranetki group was officially registered. Anya Rudneva, Natasha Schelkova, Zhenya Ogurtsova, Lera Kozlova and Lena Tretyakova sang together and recorded albums until November 1, 2008, and then drummer Lera decided to start a solo career. She was replaced by Anna Baidavletova, well known from the television competition "STS Lights Superstar-2". In November 2011, Anya Rudneva decided to leave the group.
Formally, the group still includes:
Natasha Milnichenko (Shchelkova) was born on April 6, 1990 in Moscow. As a child, Natasha seriously studied at the figure skating school of Ilya Averbukh, but then she realized that she wanted to devote her life not to sports at all, but to music. In 2009, the girl married the producer of the Ranetki group, Sergei Milnichenko. In the group he performs backing vocals, plays the lead guitar.
Zhenya Ogurtsova plays keyboards and sings in the band. She was born on March 29, 1990 in Moscow. She began to study music at the age of three. It is believed that it was she who came up with the idea of creating the Ranetki group. In his free time, Zhenya goes snowboarding.
Lena Tretyakova. She was born on December 23, 1988 in the Polish city of Legnica. In the group he plays the bass guitar, solo in some songs. After the birth of their daughter, Lena's parents soon moved to Moscow. As a child, the girl was professionally engaged in kickboxing and football, playing for the women's team "Chertanovo". Lena has no musical education. The first chords on the guitar were shown to her by her brother, and the rest had to be mastered by herself.
Anna (Nyuta) Baidavletova. Born on November 26, 1992. As a child, Nyuta lived in Stavropol, learned to play the accordion, piano and guitar, went to art school. The creativity of the Tokio Hotel group prompted her to seriously engage in music. As part of the Nine Lives group, Nyuta appeared on STS, and then was invited to the Ranetki group, where she began to play drums and perform a number of solo parts.
Officially, the Ranetki group still exists, but in fact, each of the participants is engaged in a solo career.
Creative way
Throughout its history, the Ranetki group has released 5 studio albums:
- "Ranetki";
- "Our time has come";
- "I will never forget";
- "Bring back rock and roll !!!";
- "Bring Ranetok back !!!"
The most popular songs of the group are the soundtracks to the TV series "Kadestvo" and "Ranetki". In 2010, the team released the single "Tears-Ice". On account of "Ranetok" there are 11 video clips. The series "Ranetki" is considered a special milestone in the history of the group. The creators of the series "Kadetstvo" decided to make a movie about teenage girls. On March 17, 2008, such a project was launched. The storyline of the series is based on the biographies (in some places real) of five high school girls who find time for music in a series of school days. Lera Kozlova, Anya Rudneva and Natasha Shchelkova starred in one of the Happy Together series. One of the group's biggest accomplishments, according to the members, is the opening act for Britney Spears on July 21, 2009.