Despite the fact that professional photographers are present at some children's parties, it is still worth taking additional pictures on your own. If you are the only photographer at the event, then you will have to make every effort to get really high-quality and beautiful photos.

Step 1
Take a semi-professional or professional camera. Shooting with cheap cameras and even more so with cell phones is out of the question. Even an experienced photographer will not be able to take quality pictures using this technique. Learn how to handle your camera, quickly adjust settings, etc.
Step 2
Check the event schedule. You should know when, where and what will happen, which moments you need to capture, and which ones are not very worthy of attention. Decide in advance where you need to be at any given moment in order to take the best pictures. For example, if a holiday takes place in a kindergarten, you need to ask the educators when and where the children will be in order to take pictures of the kids in the hall, on the stage, at the festive table, etc.
Step 3
Pay attention not only to the children, but also to the decorations. The Christmas tree, the festive table, the stage, the decorated hall should be photographed. In addition, it is recommended to take pictures of parents, caregivers or event organizers, actors in costumes and other adults who are present at the event.
Step 4
Take some group and individual photos of the children in between performances. But in any case, do not force the kids to be photographed if they do not want to! Not all children willingly pose for the camera, some, on the contrary, become sullen and angry. Don't spoil the kids' mood. You can try to turn the shooting process into a game: this will make it easier to find a common language with the children.
Step 5
Catch interesting moments, take a lot of pictures. Try to take pictures of the children when they are acting naturally rather than posing. Be sure to photograph the key moments of the holiday. For example, if you are at a birthday party, take a picture of the moment when the birthday person blows out the candles on the birthday cake.