How To Smooth Edges In Photoshop

How To Smooth Edges In Photoshop
How To Smooth Edges In Photoshop

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In Photoshop, you can not only beautifully process photos, decorate them with unusual effects and do color correction, but also create various frames, decorating the edge of the photo and forming a frame with neat and beautiful edges. Rounded edges can be called a good design option for a photo, and it is very easy to create such an effect in Photoshop. Even a novice user of Adobe Photoshop can cope with the creation of such a frame in a matter of minutes.

How to smooth edges in photoshop
How to smooth edges in photoshop


Step 1

Create a new document and fill it with black using the Fill tool. Open the Channels palette and create a new channel. Give the channel any name - for example, Square.

Step 2

Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool from the Toolbar, hold Shift and draw a square over 90% of the area of your black document. Fill the square with the fill tool with white, and then, keeping the middle part of the document active, open the filter menu and apply a Gaussian Blur filter with a radius of 25 to the selection.

Step 3

Go to the Image -> Adjustment -> Levels menu and adjust the levels by connecting the two sliders on the left, setting the Input levels to 0, 1.00, 255. This will give you a neat white shape with rounded edges, surrounded by a black border.

Step 4

Finish creating the frame - hold down the Ctrl key and click on the Square channel you created in the Channels palette. After that, with this channel selected, go to the Layers palette and create a new layer.

Step 5

Fill the remaining selection with any color - you have a blank for the image with nice rounded edges. You can place any photo in this frame. Similarly, you can create a narrower and wider frame by varying its size and shape depending on the type of photo and its size.
