Why Do Shoes Dream

Why Do Shoes Dream
Why Do Shoes Dream

According to information from some dream books, it is generally accepted that people associate shoes with the road and travel. If you dreamed about shoes, get ready to hit the road.

Why do shoes dream
Why do shoes dream

Why do people usually dream of shoes

Solid, clean shoes, whether they are shoes, sandals, sneakers or even felt boots, dream of good luck, prosperity. Dirty - to bad luck, loss in business. Torn, full of holes - to disease, poverty, failure.

High-heeled shoes mean that you are destined to achieve a high position, possibly marrying a person of great wealth.

Too pretentious, shiny, uncomfortable shoes in a dream warn that you need to be careful with hypocritical people and not let the love of luxury take over you. For a young girl, such a dream promises a new boyfriend - handsome, brilliant, but not very smart.

Shoes in a dream are tight or too big - you will take on a task that is beyond your power and will fail. Shoes that are too tight is a sign that unpleasant, envious people will put pressure on you. If your shoes are rubbed, you will be bored with an unpleasant annoying person.

If in a dream your shoes were put on without asking, this is a betrayal of a loved one, a divorce.

If you have been stolen, or you yourself have lost your shoes - a dream predicts the loss of a spouse. Taking off your shoes is a financial or moral loss. Torn shoes dream of financial failures. Trying on different shoes - sandals, shoes, boots - means you have to choose from different fans. If the shoes fit, the courtship of such a fan should be accepted. They can promise a successful marriage. If in a dream you were presented with beautiful, new shoes, you will be supported by a person with pure and bright intentions.

What the psychologist will say about sleep about shoes

The main purpose of shoes is to protect from cold and moisture, to provide comfort. Therefore, in a dream, shoes symbolize the situation you are in. Comfortable, clean shoes means that you are comfortable with everything that happens to you. You feel comfortable and protected.

If the shoe is small or tight, you will feel pressure from the environment. Above you, the expectations that are presented in relation to you are gravitating. Excessively large shoes, uncomfortable shoes - you do not feel support, you are uncomfortable from the unclearness of your position.

Shoes seen in a dream may indicate the need to change the environment. If in a dream you wear strange shoes - too bright, unusual style, it means that you feel out of place. If in a dream you put on high-heeled shoes, but it is difficult and uncomfortable for you in them, you are trying to reach heights that you cannot afford. You feel that you do not need these achievements. If you dreamed about cozy house slippers, then in reality you are absolutely confident in yourself and your strengths, you stand firmly on the ground.
