How To Care For Anthurium At Home

How To Care For Anthurium At Home
How To Care For Anthurium At Home

Anthurium attracts the attention of many indoor plant lovers, popularly called "Male happiness". It is a whimsical and capricious plant that requires special conditions and careful care, but the diligent florist will be rewarded with bright red flowers that resemble a heart.

Anthurium is a difficult to care for, but a magnificent flower
Anthurium is a difficult to care for, but a magnificent flower

The homeland of the plant is sunny Mexico, but it is afraid of direct rays. In order for the anthurium to develop at home and bloom profusely, you need to provide it with a comfortable temperature regime, lighting, a level of humidity and do not forget to make top dressing in a timely manner.

Anthurium care at home

Flower shops for growing in apartments and houses offer two types of "Man's Happiness" flower: Andre and Scherzer's anthurium. For their safe cultivation, you need to know a few rules:

  • … The flower does not tolerate direct rays, but loves light. Better to place it on the northwest side. In summer, the temperature in the room should be + 20-25 ° С, in winter - at least + 17 ° С.
  • Only soft water at room temperature is used for irrigation. It is important not to allow it to stagnate and make sure that it does not accumulate in the pallet. Anthurium is watered abundantly, as soon as the topsoil is slightly dry. The stems and leaves are thoroughly sprayed, expanded clay can be put in the pallet and constantly moistened. During flowering, it is impossible for water to fall into the inflorescences.
  • … The soil for anthurium should be loose, air and moisture permeable, slightly acidic. A large substrate is chosen, since it is able to retain nutrients and maintain the required moisture level.

The flower is fed only in spring and summer, and once every 3 weeks. The plant loves organic fertilizers: cow or horse manure, leaf humus.

Diseases of the flower "Male happiness"

Anthurium has high immunity, this plant rarely gets sick. However, with excessive soil moisture, stem or root rot may appear; it must be dealt with with systemic fungicides. Anthurium often signals problems by changing the color of the leaves:

  • blackened tips - there is an excess amount of calcium salts in the soil;
  • the leaves turned yellow and began to curl - in summer, this means that the plant is exposed to direct rays, and in winter, it warns of a lack of lighting;
  • black spots and dots - the room temperature is low, the plant needs warmth;
  • uniform yellow spots - anthurium is not fertilized correctly. If the spots are small and translucent, then the flower has been attacked by a spider mite.

Growing anthurium at home is a difficult and painstaking task. In order for the flower not only to grow, but also to delight with flowering, you need to choose the right place for it, ensure the required level of humidity and select a balanced complex of fertilizers.
