What Are The Basic Rules For Caring For Anthurium At Home

What Are The Basic Rules For Caring For Anthurium At Home
What Are The Basic Rules For Caring For Anthurium At Home

Many flower growers are attracted by an evergreen plant with a variety of beautiful inflorescences. It was named anthurium. How to properly care for him at home?

What are the basic rules for caring for anthurium at home
What are the basic rules for caring for anthurium at home

Anthurium has a truly fabulous beauty and attractiveness. Therefore, it is now widely used to create home coziness and comfort by many people. In indoor conditions, the most unpretentious species of the anthurium genus are grown: Scherzer's anthurium, Andre, Khrustalny and others. In total, this genus includes about 800 species of this plant.

In order to successfully grow anthurium at home, a number of prerequisites must be observed.

Firstly, this flower must be protected from drafts and placed in a place with diffused sunlight.

Immediately after purchasing a flower, it cannot be transplanted. You need to wait until the anthurium fades, even if the pot is very tight.

There must be sufficient air humidity in the room. Otherwise, the plant will not bloom. Therefore, anthurium leaves must be sprayed with warm water every day, especially during the heating season.

As for watering, in the summer, the flower is watered abundantly, and in the winter - moderately. Do not use hard water for irrigation. It must be defended for more than a day. After watering, part of the root system may become bare, then it is sprinkled with wet peat or special soil for flowers. The water should not stagnate in the pot. This can lead to stem rot. To solve this problem, a drainage layer is arranged at the bottom of the pot, for example, from expanded clay.

As for the transplant, young anthurium plants are transplanted every year in March into new pots in a loose nutrient mixture, to which charcoal, leaf humus and a little needles are added. But adult plants are transplanted every two years. The transplant is carried out very carefully, because there is a possibility of damaging the juicy and brittle roots of anthurium.

Once a month, the plant is wiped from dust and given a light shower. In this case, the inflorescence must be covered with a film or bag so that it does not darken.


You need to feed anthurium regularly, especially at the time of intensive growth. During this period, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied alternately every two weeks. Also, during transplanting, slowly dissolving granular fertilizers are added when compiling a land mixture (about 2 kg).

Anthurium is propagated in various ways: by seeds, cuttings, stem offspring and division.

After the end of flowering, dried inflorescences are removed to prevent fruit set. They take a lot of energy from the plant and you can't wait for the next flowering. Anthurium usually blooms in the summer, but under favorable conditions this can happen almost all year round. In this case, it is important to observe the temperature regime for keeping these flowers: in winter - from +15 to +18 degrees, and in summer - from +20 to +22 degrees.

With proper care, anthurium will delight you with its beautiful flowering for a long time.
