Aquilegia, or catchment, is a genus of flowering perennials of the buttercup family, numbering slightly less than a hundred species. The spectacular inflorescences of this plant were familiar to gardeners as early as the middle of the 17th century. The species and varieties of the catchment area differ markedly in size and flowering time. The compact varieties are grown as a pot crop, while the tall aquilegia are suitable for multi-tiered flower groups.

It is necessary
- - complex mineral fertilizer;
- - gauze;
- - humus.
Step 1
Aquilegia grown in gardens reproduce well by seeds. In March, prepare a container with soil, moisten the soil and spread the seeds over its surface. Sprinkle the catchment area with a thin layer of soil and cover with foil so as to leave a free space between the surface of the soil and the rim of the container. Place the container of seeds in a room with a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees.
Step 2
Aquilegia will take one and a half to three weeks to germinate. Remove the film from the seedlings and move the container to a lighted place with room temperature. If the seedlings have sprouted too often, cut the young plants so that the distance between the seedlings is at least 5 centimeters.
Step 3
At the end of May, seedlings can be planted in a flower garden. Place the aquilegia in partial shade in an area with loose, slightly acidic soil and water the planting. Having chosen a low-growing type of catchment, it is worth leaving a gap of 20-25 centimeters between individual plants. Plant high aquilegia no closer than 40 centimeters from each other.
Step 4
The catchment blooms in the second year after sowing. This plant is considered unpretentious and does not require special care. If the summer turns out to be dry, water the flower garden regularly.
Step 5
In the spring, after the snow melts, remove the dry leaves of last year. If the roots of young plants are on the surface of the soil, carefully bury the catchment in the ground and sprinkle the base of the bush with fertile soil. Feed the flower garden with complex mineral fertilizer.
Step 6
In the middle of summer, after the aquilegia has faded, cut off the peduncles that have lost their decorative effect. Place gauze bags on the plants from which you are going to get seeds. This precaution will help to avoid self-seeding. Ripe seeds can be harvested in August.
Step 7
Aquilegia bushes that have reached the age of five lose their decorative effect, breaking up into several weak groups. Dig up these plants in the middle of autumn, carefully separate them and plant them. Sprinkle humus over the bases of the bushes. Due to damage to the taproot, the delenki will bloom in a year.