Disposable Plate Lampshade

Disposable Plate Lampshade
Disposable Plate Lampshade

Disposable plates will make such a lampshade that you cannot immediately say that it is made by hand!

Disposable plate lampshade
Disposable plate lampshade

Disposable tableware seems to me very uncomfortable - the plates bend to such an extent that the food tries to "run away", and it is difficult to cut or puncture something with a disposable knife and fork. But the situation changes if you use disposable tableware for other purposes.

So, if the old lampshade is torn, cracked, or just bored, but for objective reasons at the moment you cannot buy a new (or even a new lamp), you can decorate it very cheaply and in an original way with disposable plates.

Attention! This method of finishing the lampshade is suitable mainly for cylindrical lampshades (well, or cone-shaped).

To decorate the lampshade, you will need disposable paper plates (the exact amount depends on the size of the lampshade), hot glue, a ruler, pencil, pen, pasta, or a knife.

Work order:

1. Divide each plate in half with a thin pencil line. We retreat from it to the right and left by 3-5 mm and draw lines along which the plates must be folded. In order not to crease, but to fold the plates exactly along the lines, it is worth drawing these lines with the handle in which the pasta has ended, pressing it well. The same operation can be done with a knife, cutting the plate to half the thickness with the tip of the knife (but if you have not previously trained in such an operation, there is a risk of spoiling several plates).

Disposable plate lampshade
Disposable plate lampshade

2. Glue the plates to the old lampshade tightly next to each other. The lampshade is ready!

Helpful hint: if the height of the lampshade is noticeably less than the diameter of the plate, then each plate will have to be slightly reduced by cutting off the edge. For lampshades whose height is slightly more than the diameter of the plate, this method is also suitable if you figure out how to decorate the protruding edge of the lampshade.
