To add a realistic look to a crow or wise crow costume for a school play or masquerade, complete this look with an expressive mask. As a basis, you can use a ready-made template mask bought in a store, or you can make it from papier-mâché exactly to the shape of your face. The main details of the image are a massive beak and blue-black shiny feathers.

It is necessary
- - finished mask blank;
- - cardboard;
- - scissors;
- - scotch tape;
- - flour, salt (for paste);
- - old newspapers;
- - black acrylic paint;
- - brush;
- - sparkles;
- - glue;
- - black feathers;
- - transparent acrylic varnish.
Step 1
Cut a large triangle out of the cardboard and fold it in half to make it look like a crow's beak. Its size and shape should correspond to your invented image. Take a blank mask template and tape the cardboard beak to the nose area using tape or masking tape.
Step 2
Mix half a cup of plain flour and a quarter cup of fine salt, dilute the mixture with a glass of water. Stir the mixture until smooth for one minute so that all ingredients combine well.
Step 3
Tear the old newspaper into small pieces or strips of about 3 x 10 cm. Dip these pieces in the prepared papier-mâché mixture and stick them on the mask blank. Make four of these layers of papier-mâché, keeping the previous layers from drying out during the pasting process. Then dry the mask for four hours.
Step 4
Using a wide brush, paint the dried surface of the mask with black acrylic paint and pour glitter powder directly onto the wet paint. After thirty minutes, when the paint is dry, remove excess glitter from the mask.
Step 5
Apply a bead of glue around the perimeter of the mask and place small black feathers along this line so that they stick out around the edges of the mask. Repeat this operation, covering the mask with feathers as needed.
Step 6
Cover the beak of the crow mask with a layer of clear, shiny acrylic varnish and let it dry for half an hour. The varnish will make the beak glossy, like a real raven.
Step 7
Glue glittering rhinestones around the eye holes or draw a pattern to highlight the eyes and make them round.