Ravens are permanent and quite numerous inhabitants of Russian cities and towns. People treat them differently, considering them either wise, then angry, then absent-minded, then good-natured and possessing a very peculiar sense of humor. In the drawing, you need to try to convey your attitude towards this bird.

Consider a crow
You, of course, have seen this bird more than once and you can imagine it well. But before you try to portray it on paper, still consider the picture. It is better if the crow is in your profile. She can sit on a rock or wander in a field. You can draw a crow in flight - the main thing is that its proportions are clearly visible. The body and head of any bird can be represented as an oval and a circle. It is important to determine the ratio of their sizes. In a raven, the diameter of the head is approximately equal to the short axis of the oval of the body. At the bottom of the sheet, mark the place where the object on which your bird sits will be located - a tree stump, stone, etc. Draw a short horizontal line. Then draw a long oblique auxiliary line to this segment, which will be the long axis of the oval and the diameter of the head. The line is inclined to the horizontal at an acute angle of about 40-50 °.
The crow's head is even slightly larger.
Circle, oval and a pair of straight lines
Divide the inclined line into 3 approximately equal parts. One part is for the head, the other two for the torso. Draw a circle on the top segment. For the torso, draw an oval, about half the width of the long axis. Connect the most convex part of the oval with a straight line to the head. You now have a back line. Continue down to the bottom of the oval. From the side of the abdomen, also connect the most convex part of the oval and the head, but the line should be slightly concave.
You can start drawing a crow in another way - on the basis of a long oval located at an angle to the bottom edge of the sheet.
Wings, tail, paws, nose
The crow's wing is easy to draw. Draw a line parallel to the line of the abdomen. Draw a short straight segment to its lowest point at right angles. Divide it into 2-3 parts and draw a short line at right angles to each mark towards the head. The raven's tail is rather short, ending at about the level of the lower point of the oval. You already have a back line, draw a perpendicular to its lower point towards the body. Draw the end of the tail with short straight strokes. The crow's nose is a wide triangle. Draw the paws - they are not much different from the paws of any other bird, this is a strip coming from the lower part of the abdomen, which ends with a brush. 2-3 fingers are usually visible in the figure. Trace the outlines and main lines with a soft pencil. The crow, of course, is covered with black feathers, but there is no need to convey this in the drawing. It is enough to make a few strokes parallel to the contour lines with a soft simple pencil.