What To Do If A Baby Has The Evil Eye

What To Do If A Baby Has The Evil Eye
What To Do If A Baby Has The Evil Eye

Despite the fact that modern society is surrounded on all sides by the products of progress, from time to time something medieval appears in it, which comes from the ancestors. And this can be fully noticed when it comes to the evil eye. Especially with regard to the child.

What to do if a baby has the evil eye
What to do if a baby has the evil eye

"Jinxed!" - practically the first thing that the wise relatives and acquaintances of the young mother say for years in situations when the child behaves restlessly for no apparent reason. If the baby bursts into crying, although he is fed, changes clothes and is warm, and also does not make contact and is actively spinning, it is the evil eye that becomes the first guess.

What is the evil eye

The evil eye, according to psychics, is a type of psychic attack when it is done with just one glance.

Such an evil eye is easy not only to earn yourself, but also to send yourself to another person. And even without having a conscious intent to do so.

The evil eye is also called negative energy, which was directed at a particular person and takes away all his vitality. Moreover, the stronger this energy, the greater the destruction will be.

Also, specially conducted magic sessions, the purpose of which is to induce damage, a love spell, etc., are also referred to as evil eyes.

Why are children more likely to be affected by the evil eye? The reason is simple: babies attract the attention of adults more, and even strangers. But it is simple enough for a person with heavy energy to admire the child, so that he begins to have symptoms of what esotericists call the evil eye.

The evil eye does not occur at the request of a person, but as a result of a feeling of envy.

Symptoms of the problem

Experts have even identified several symptoms that may indicate such a phenomenon as the evil eye. Naturally, due to their age, newborn children cannot indicate a number of them. But if a mother, worried about the strange and inexplicable behavior of her baby, looks closely, she may find them.

So, the symptoms of the evil eye are:

- discomfort in the solar plexus area;

- increased and pronounced aggression, irritability or, on the contrary, suddenly appeared excessive indecision;

- headaches;

- drowsiness, etc.

What to do if a child is jinxed

In case you suspect your child has an evil eye, the first thing to do is to wash him with holy water. Alternatively, it is sometimes advised to drink it as well. In any case, there will be no harm from such a procedure.

Experts say that it is imperative to wash a child with holy water from the evil eye according to a certain pattern: with the wrong side of a rag or hem and clockwise.

It is also worth protecting yourself before going outside. To prevent anyone from jinxing the child, it is recommended to tie a red thread, string or ribbon to his left handle.

There are many ways, and if you believe in folk signs, you can use them. Just remember that they must be safe for the child, i.e. Salting the tops of the head and wiping the baby's face with breast milk is fundamentally wrong and even dangerous for the baby's health. In addition, remember that all these theories have no official confirmation.