How To Measure Your Biofield

How To Measure Your Biofield
How To Measure Your Biofield

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Along with the well-known and well-studied radiation and physical fields, in the process of certain phenomena, manifestations of unexplored energy-force components of the biofield are observed. The issue of measuring the human biofield is of concern to many scientists. To some extent, scientists have managed to come close to solving this problem, but the apparatus capable of fully and accurately measuring the human biofield does not yet exist. If you do not have extrasensory abilities, then you can measure the boundaries of your biofield using a special frame.

How to measure your biofield
How to measure your biofield

It is necessary

  • - tape measure 10m long,
  • - wire with a diameter of 1-2, 5 mm


Step 1

Make an L-shaped wire frame. The length of its horizontal part should be 40 cm, and the vertical part - 20 cm. The angle between the sides of the frame should be 91-92 degrees.

Step 2

Do a meditation session to clear your mind.

Step 3

Unfold and lay the tape in a straight line.

Step 4

Stand at the point that coincides with the "0" on the tape measure.

Step 5

Ask a helper to take the frame in his right hand, taking the frame so that it only touches the hand in two places. The upper part of the frame should rest on the index finger, in the area of its second phalanx. The bottom of the frame should be supported by your little finger. At the same time, the vertical part of the frame should protrude from below by no more than 1.5 cm. The assistant's arm should be bent at the elbow joint and located at chest level. The horizontal part of the frame must be directed at you at a slight angle, so that the frame is in a position of unstable balance. The muscles of the helper should be as relaxed as possible.

Step 6

Ask the assistant to move away at a distance of 6-7 meters from you and mentally formulate the question: "Where does the boundary of the biofield of this person end?" It should be clearly understood that getting the correct answer directly depends on the correct wording of the question.

Step 7

Check the position of the frame and ask the assistant to start slowly moving in your direction, mentally repeating the question. As you approach the border of your biofield, the frame will begin to deviate in one direction or another. From this moment it is necessary to slow down the movement and carefully observe the tip of the frame.

Step 8

As soon as the position of the frame is parallel to your chest, ask the assistant to stop and read the measurement results from the tape measure. This value corresponds to the boundaries of your biofield.

Step 9

To eliminate errors, repeat the experiment.
