Not only luxury items or a bank account can be inherited. Most creative dynasties are formed due to a certain genetic type. Igor Voinarovsky is a third generation actor.

Happy childhood
Modern youth know little about who the dudes are. The loss is small, but annoying. Several years ago, a very mediocre film called "Hipsters" was released. One of the main roles in this picture was played by Igor Voinarovsky. This project can serve as a good example of how mediocre direction ruins a good idea. The actors worked great. However, the general plot and the main episodes are presented in an extremely schematic and often primitive manner.
Igor Voinarovsky was born on October 19, 1983 in a family of creative intelligentsia. Parents lived in Moscow. My father sang at the opera. Mother served as an actress in the academic musical theater. The boy's grandfather and grandmother were also famous performers in the operetta theater. There is nothing surprising in the fact that from a young age Igorek dreamed of following in the footsteps of his ancestors. He did not have to puzzle over the question of what field of activity to apply his energy to.
Professional activity
To get a specialized education, Voinarovsky after school entered the famous Shchukin Theater School. As part of the educational program, Igor takes part in productions on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater. A group of students chose the play by Vasily Shukshin "Fussy Horses" as their thesis. Spectators and colleagues will remember Voinarovsky's performance at the evening of the French song "When everything is over" for a long time. For a young actor, this was only the beginning of a career.
Igor graduated from college in 2004 and after a while he was admitted to the troupe of the theater "Workshop of Peter Fomenko". The young actor had to go through a probationary period. Nothing special, this procedure is provided for all new arrivals. Voinarovsky was organically integrated into the stage process under the guidance of the cult director. He played in the performances "Alice Through the Looking Glass", "Rhino", "Tales of the Ardennes Forest".
On the set
Igor Voinarovsky was invited to act in films while still a student. He played his first cameo roles in the TV series Truckers and Samara-Gorodok. It should be noted that Igor inherited excellent vocal abilities from his father. Working in the film "The Winter Path", he performed the Demon's aria from the opera of the same name by Rubinstein. The funny thing is that this single is not included in the script. However, the directors found an opportunity to include him in the film.
Everything is known about the work of Vonarovsky to the smallest detail. At the same time, nothing concrete is known about the actor's personal life. Age, as they say, is suitable. It's time to get a wife or a mistress. Playing the role of husband or lover for Igor costs nothing. The fans are waiting. The fans are hoping. Time runs.