A talented person has a hard time in life. He is constantly faced with a dilemma - which creative path to follow. Igor Nikolaevich Klinauskas realized his abilities as a director, composer and psychologist.

Starting opportunities
The biography of Igor Kalinauskas largely casts doubt on the methods of early childhood development. Of course, a person who has achieved impressive results in various areas of creativity did not set himself the task of refuting the laws of the universe. He was just doing what he loved. Igor Nikolaevich was born on February 7, 1945 in an intelligent family. Parents at that time lived in Novgorod, but soon moved to Vilnius.
My father worked as a translator. Mother taught literature at the institute. The boy was brought up from an early age in a free, but strict environment. They did not raise their voice at him. Not limited in desires and aspirations. When Igor showed interest in drawing, they bought him paper, pencil and watercolors. The boy did well at school. He was mobile and active, which the teachers did not like very much. I received my certificate of maturity on time.
Directing and psychology
After school, Igor was drafted into the army. I had to serve in cold Siberia. The peculiarities of the local climate did not frighten the young man. And he remained on long service in Khabarovsk. After a short period of time, Kalinauskas was given a direction in the political department to enter the correspondence department of the Shchukin Theater School. And the super-conscript fighter became a student of the directing department. Having received a higher education, a certified director, possessing an indomitable temperament, traveled to different cities.
Astrakhan, Vilnius, Minsk, Kiev - this is an incomplete list of cities in which director Kalinauskas staged performances. Once he got acquainted with the book "Directing as a Practical Psychology". From that moment on, Igor begins to seriously deal with psychological problems. The material for research was in front of my eyes. The relationships of the actors on and off the stage provided information for analysis, reflection and conclusions. Specific methods and advice for building relationships between different people were not formulated on the basis of these data.
Landscapes, portraits, abstraction
After the collapse of the USSR, the already famous psychologist published several books in which he shared ways to provide psychological support. In the late 90s, Kalinauskas became interested in fine art. The paintings that he created appeared at various exhibitions and opening days. The career of a painter was developing successfully. His works are willingly purchased for private collections by connoisseurs of beauty from civilized countries.
You can write a comedy, a drama, and a thriller about the personal life of Igor Kaalinauskas. He tried several times to start a family. For ten years the maestro sang in a duet with a pleasant woman Olga Tkachenko. For some reason, they did not become husband and wife. It did not grow together.