Love lyrics will exist on earth as long as people are able to feel. The soul sings or is sad, the words themselves fall on a blank sheet, emotions and passions burst from each line, but here's the mystery: we memorize some poems for a long time, while others don't even want to finish reading. Why is that? How to write love poems so that you want to read them?

Step 1
First of all, your poem should have a strong "technical" side. Any poetry must be written correctly. Gross mistakes in the simplest words can alienate the reader. The author's speech should be clear and precise. The use of introductory words only for a bundle and parasite words in poetry (especially about love) should be completely excluded. Do not overuse unions at the beginning of a line.
Step 2
If you start a poem with a certain rhythm, keep it until the end. Frequent and inappropriate transitions from one meter to another are difficult to perceive. One gets the impression that the author is a beginner, and far from talented. Reread what has already been written, check yourself. Don't stretch over pages that can be summarized in a couple of stanzas.
Step 3
Love poems play on the thin strings of the human soul, therefore, your creation must resonate with the listener. It would seem that this is not so difficult, because almost everyone has loved at least once in their life. But success does not depend on what someone once experienced, but on how accurately you can describe the state of love. The key to a readable and popular love poem is the consonance of your thoughts with the experiences of other people.
Step 4
Bright and colorful images are better remembered, so there are many metaphors and comparisons in love lyrics. Learn to use them where you really need them, but don't overdo it. The meaning and logic of your work should not be lost behind the picturesque pictures of the imagination.
Step 5
Poems about love suffering, torment and anguish find a greater response from the audience than verses in the spirit of “we met, fell in love, everything is fine with us”. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the reader tries on the described situation on himself and compares whether it was so with him, and secondly, people are simply more interested in reading about tragedy and a broken fate. And these are far from sadistic inclinations, but just the childish curiosity of the soul that absorbs your poems.