In order to write a small congratulatory poem, it is absolutely not necessary to have a poetic talent. It is enough to feel the rhythm and be able to choose the right words.

Step 1
Take the finished poem as a basis, its structure will help you find new words. It is best to turn to works written in two-syllable sizes, for example, "A storm covers the sky with darkness …", since it can be difficult to find words for three-syllable ones. In addition, the simple alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables sets the solemn tone of the poem, which is important for congratulations.
Step 2
Please note that it is not enough to replace only some of the words in the work taken as a basis. It is necessary to completely rewrite it, change its meaning. The original poem will only help you set the rhythm of your congratulations.
Step 3
Try to hum a poem, sometimes it helps to feel its structure and rhythm and quickly replace the words with the desired ones. By the way, you can take the text of a song as a basis.
Step 4
Start your poem with a message. To make the congratulation as personalized as possible, contact the hero of the occasion by name and patronymic, if appropriate.
Step 5
Indicate what kind of celebration you are congratulating the person on. If the holiday name is too long, replace it. For example, "Valentine's Day" for the purpose of writing greetings can be renamed to "Love Day".
Step 6
List all the benefits you desire. It will not be a great literary crime if in some cases the stress falls on the wrong syllable in the word.
Step 7
Use dictionaries of rhymes, they are freely available on the Internet. They are pretty simple to use. You must enter a word in the search bar, click the "Search" button and select the appropriate option. Note that you can rhyme with more syllables for a two-syllable word.
Step 8
If in any line one of the words in the middle is out of the general rhythm due to an extra syllable or two, replace it with a similar one in meaning. Use dictionaries of synonyms for this, they can be found on the Internet. In addition, they will help enrich the text with vivid epithets and definitions.