Memories of the wedding are different for everyone. Someone keeps in memory the official and solemn part of registration, someone remembers how the young people danced cheerfully at one of the competitions. For the wedding to be remembered for a long time, guests are advised to take care of gifts and ways of congratulating the newlyweds in advance.

Hilarious prank
Team up and give the bride and groom a test of their sense of humor. For example, you can dress up two men (strangers for newlyweds) as traffic police officers. In the midst of the holiday, two uniformed men enter the room and begin to strictly ask the groom: “Whose car with numbers such and such is parked there? Sorry, but we have to write you a fine. Moving aside, they write something on a piece of paper. To loud applause, a fine (in fact, a congratulation on paper stylized as parchment) is awarded to the young.
Instead of traffic police officers, you can dress up as ordinary police officers, and the fine can be exchanged for an accusatory statement from some citizen. Allegedly, somewhere a crime was committed, and all the signs converge on the image of one of the newlyweds. To be convincing as evidence, it is recommended to draw up a composite of the bride or groom.
Guests disguised as gypsies can bring unbridled fun to the wedding event. Especially if the roles are distributed the other way around: men portray languid gypsies, and women are brutal gypsies. One of the guests may show a bear being led on a leash. Gypsies usually give horses for weddings. Buy a large plush horse or make a horse stick.
Song as a gift
Congratulations in verse no longer surprise anyone (with the exception of verses of your own composition). The song is another matter.
Discover your artistic talent and transform one of the famous songs into a congratulatory speech with music. Observe the manners of the selected singer / songwriter and try to repeat them in front of the mirror. Match the outfit and wig to complete the look.
The choir will look original. Find out who else is on the guest list and invite them in advance to practice the choir singing. Please note that the choir not only presupposes vocal synchronicity, but equally matched costumes. It is not necessary to use a tailcoat and a bow tie. You can, for example, dress up one part of the choir with angels and the other with devils. Some will praise the dignity of marriage in a song, while others will jokingly dissuade the bride and groom from getting married.
You can gift a song with a chain. For example, during a feast, someone will come on stage with a postcard, as if they want to read a toast. At this time, the music turns on, and the person begins to sing unexpectedly for everyone. But the highlight lies in the fact that all the verses are pre-distributed among some of the guests. When the first verse is over, the second person runs out, and so on. Finally, you can perform a flash mob dance and present a common gift in a large box.