How To Make A Bouquet Of Fruits

How To Make A Bouquet Of Fruits
How To Make A Bouquet Of Fruits

It is often difficult to find an answer to the question of what to give to a birthday boy. A fruit bouquet is a good option. This unusual gift can be easily made with your own hands, it will delight the hero of the occasion with its beauty. And if you get bored, you can eat it.

DIY fruit bouquet
DIY fruit bouquet

The creation of a bouquet of fruits begins with the selection and preparation of the ingredients.

Apples are great for composition. They differ in a variety of colors, they are easy to install. It is better to take fruits that are not too juicy so that they do not slip on the skewers.

Citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines and others, will not only give the bouquet a beautiful look, but also add a pleasant aroma to it.

will give the composition a zest, especially if part of the skin is cut off from it. The grains will not fall out, but such a fruit will look great.

will make the bouquet attractive and fragrant, but its berries deteriorate quickly, and it is not everywhere it is on sale all year round.

good as an accessory to a bouquet. It will be perfectly preserved, because the berries will not be damaged, you can attach it by the branches.

For creating fruit bouquets, kiwi, pineapple, kumquat and others are also suitable. Whatever components are used, they must be unripe and free from damage.

Before assembling the composition, the fruit must be washed and dried. It is better if the bouquet is prepared immediately before donation, the cut apples, bananas and other berries will not have time to darken. You can sprinkle them with lemon juice. A bouquet that will not meet with its owner for several hours is best made from whole, uncut fruits.

Different objects can serve as a frame for a bouquet - a vase, a basket, a wire. You will also need wooden skewers, wrapping paper, colored thread, glue. The base can be salted dough, foam, or special foam, which is sold in craft stores.

If it is decided to make a wire frame, a thick wire is taken and wound on a glass or wooden block.

At the bottom of the vase frame (basket or box), place foam or other material into which the skewers will be stuck. The edges of the material should not be visible. They can be disguised with wrapping paper, tape, or other items - that's enough imagination.

So, when the frame is created and the fruits are cooked, you can start assembling the bouquet.

We string edible ingredients on skewers. If the apples are large, you can stick 4-5 skewers into them.

We set each fruit in foam (or other material). In this case, you need to make sure that there are no identical fruits nearby.

Some skewers can be broken or cut to varying lengths. A multilevel fruit bouquet looks voluminous and more beautiful.

For decoration, you can use twigs, leaves, flowers, including artificial ones.

At the end, the composition is wrapped in paper, you can tie it with a ribbon. A bouquet of fruits is ready.
