Christmas Pasta Fir

Christmas Pasta Fir
Christmas Pasta Fir

Table of contents:


Soon you will have to think about where to get a Christmas tree. If you are a supporter of artificial trees, then I think you will like this idea: make a Christmas tree with your own hands. Let's start!

Christmas spruce pasta
Christmas spruce pasta

It is necessary

  • - pasta horns;
  • - Whatman paper;
  • - golden paint from a spray can;
  • - rain;
  • - glue.


Step 1

The first thing to do is to twist the Whatman paper, but twist it correctly - in the form of a cone. Then you need to glue it. Do this along the raised edge.

Step 2

Now we take our macaroons, dip each in glue and glue it to the Whatman paper. We begin to glue not far from the top. And so until the end we glue the future Christmas tree in rows.

Step 3

After the tree is completely pasted over with pasta, paint must be applied to it and then allowed to dry.

Step 4

We take the rain and glue it between the rows of pasta. It remains only to dress up this charming Christmas tree. Successful crafts to you!
