Eye Color Compatibility: What Is It

Eye Color Compatibility: What Is It
Eye Color Compatibility: What Is It

Personality and eye color are, of course, completely different things. However, there is also a definite connection between them. In the character of the owners of one or another color of the iris of the eyes, there are similar features. Moreover, it is possible to determine the prospects for the development of relations between people, based on their compatibility by eye color.

Eye color compatibility: what is it
Eye color compatibility: what is it

Eye color and character

Holders of green eyes usually know what they want, and therefore confidently go towards their goal. The mood and character of such people is very changeable. Green-eyed people are sometimes sad, sometimes cheerful, sometimes thoughtful. They are flexible enough and allow other people to lead them, but only up to a certain point. If you go too far in "domination" over them, they will quickly make it clear that it is not necessary to do this, and are able to take cruel revenge. The element of green-eyed people is water.

A brown-eyed person is emotional and impulsive. He often provokes other people into conflict, is straightforward and confident in his righteousness. Owners of brown eyes are prone to intrigue and envy. However, if a person needs their help, they quickly and unconditionally provide it, using all their capabilities for this.

Blue-eyed people obey the air element. They are sentimental, romantic, fickle, completely dependent on their mood.

Gray-eyed - representatives of the earthly element: calm, unhurried, easy to communicate. They are quite balanced, but if someone pisses them off, he will be in trouble.

Eye color compatibility

Green-eyed, green-eyed (water element). This alliance is a tandem of support and understanding from both partners. Their relationship will be built on love and trust. But a long union is fraught with the fact that a man and a woman will get bored with each other. The feelings of partners can be dulled, and therefore they need to be constantly refreshed. Another scourge of such relationships is jealousy: if there is too much of it, contradictions and constant battle will arise between people. Moreover, here, as in the war, all means will be good.

Blue-eyed, green-eyed (air and water elements). The union of such people is practically impossible. There is constant bickering and controversy, but there is also mutually beneficial communication. You can get a lot from the latter, but you should rarely meet, making the most of it.

Brown-eyed, green-eyed. The compatibility between these partners is initially defined as incredible, but later it becomes strong and durable. Fire (the owner of brown eyes) heats the water, it pushes the partner to action. Water will dominate the relationship. If the fire tries to take a leading position, this union will disintegrate.

Brown-eyed, brown-eyed (element of fire). Here compatibility is very ambiguous - there is understanding at the highest level, but mutual coexistence becomes problematic. As a rule, the relationship is just friendly. If the owners of brown eyes have a common enemy, they can unite against him. If they begin to fight each other, then together they will die.

Gray-eyed, green-eyed (elements of earth and water). In this case, the compatibility of partners is very promising, but only if the owner of gray eyes becomes the leader. He will be both support and support, will help the green-eyed achieve a lot in life.

Gray-eyed, brown-eyed (earth-fire). There is no leader, relations are built on equal terms. This tandem is more good at work. In personal life, it is necessary to strive for mutual respect.

Blue-eyed, brown-eyed (air-fire element). The union is active and emotional. Partners all the time warm up the relationship with shake-ups and disputes. The main thing here is not to go too far. As a ringleader, as a rule, the owner of brown eyes acts.

Gray-eyed-blue-eyed (ground-to-air). Such an alliance is futile, the partners have few points of contact. If the owner of gray eyes becomes dominant, the second partner will simply leave and will not prove his own point of view.

Blue-eyed, blue-eyed. In this case, the relationship is positive, the union is favorable and strong, especially if the interests of the partners coincide.

Gray-eyed, gray-eyed. These relationships are built on profit, there is no romance at all. Success will be accompanied only on condition of mutual respect and equal contribution to the union.

It is worth noting that eye color compatibility was compiled on the basis of centuries of observation and astrological coincidences. However, this does not have to be a guide to action, because your happiness depends entirely on you.
