Where To Find The Results Of The Latest Gosloto Draws

Where To Find The Results Of The Latest Gosloto Draws
Where To Find The Results Of The Latest Gosloto Draws

Having appeared in November 2008, the game "Gosloto" very quickly took the leading positions in the lottery market in Russia. Its draws are held three times a week, each of them involves up to half a million bets, the proceeds are directed to the development of domestic sports.

Where to find the results of the latest Gosloto draws
Where to find the results of the latest Gosloto draws

Check Gosloto tickets on the official lottery website by marking the numbers on the electronic coupon or manually entering the data from your ticket. In the same section of the site there is an opportunity to view the archive of previous editions. In addition, here you can get information on issues related to the purchase of tickets and the receipt of winnings.

There are separate Internet resources for the Gosloto lottery "6 out of 45" and "5 out of 36". Select the one you need, depending on what game you played, and open the main page of the site. At the top of the window, in the center, the results of the most recent draw will be indicated. You can also find out the results of various runs by clicking on the link located in the lower right corner of the page. Among other things, on the official website of "Gosloto" you can familiarize yourself with the rules and options for the game, with the most frequently asked questions of people regarding this lottery, read general information.

If you need to know the results of any Gosloto lottery draw, you can view the record of the last draw by going to stoloto.ru. Television broadcasts of the game are not currently held, but the video can be viewed online on the above resource by clicking on the link "Watch the Gosloto show", as well as in the recording, for example, on the YouTube service.

Buy the Sport-Express newspaper (Tuesday issues) at one of the Soyuzpechat kiosks, it will print the winning table of the Gosloto lottery.

Contact the distributor of Gosloto lottery tickets at any of their points of sale and ask for a winning table, indicating the number of the draw you are interested in.

Find out the outcome of the game by calling the information support service for the Gosloto draw participants at the phone number: (499) 27-027-27. Please note that information is provided every day after 23.30 (Moscow time).
