Why Dream Of A Rainbow

Why Dream Of A Rainbow
Why Dream Of A Rainbow

One of the most favorable, positive symbols in a dream is a rainbow. Dreams in which there is a multi-colored rocker in the sky, iridescent and shining, are mostly interpreted as positive.

Rainbow in a dream
Rainbow in a dream

If a person is lucky enough to see a bright rainbow in a dream, this can be deciphered as a sign of imminent changes. At the same time, the changes will be extremely pleasant, positive and long-awaited. Family relations will improve, any old issues and disputes will be resolved, communication with distant relatives will be strengthened.

A dreamer who has watched a rainbow in a dream can be calm about his financial situation. Wealth and prosperity await him ahead. It is likely that it will be possible to find a stable additional source of income. Unexpected valuable finds, expensive gifts and winnings in casinos and lottery are not excluded. A rainbow is a sign that now it is worth getting a new job, asking for a salary increase from the boss, or trying to take a higher position.

If a student or schoolchild, before an important exam, test, or control, saw a rainbow in a dream, according to the dream books, this means that he will be highly appreciated and praised by the teacher.

When a poor person or someone in a difficult financial situation suddenly dreamed of a rainbow, then soon monetary issues will be resolved, it will be possible to get out of debt. If a wealthy and wealthy person dreamed of a dream with a rainbow, this promises him prosperity, excellent health and a long happy life.

A rainbow in dream books is often viewed as a sign from higher powers. A dream in which a rainbow appeared indicates divine protection. It also hints that the time has come to engage in spiritual growth. The dreamer should take time to himself, to engage in self-development. In addition, a person who suddenly dreamed of a rainbow can be calm: no misfortunes will be encountered on his way in the near future. His guardian angel is nearby, he will save you from problems, take away trouble.

If in the night vision a multi-colored shining rocker appeared in the sky after a long rain, the dream books explain it this way: in the near future there will be many difficulties and problems in life, but the dreamer will be able to cope with them. After stagnation and sadness, clear and joyful days will come. Despite the intrigues of enemies or competitors, a person who saw a rainbow in a dream will be able to achieve their goals. He chose the right path in life, he does not need to doubt his strengths or abilities.

For people who are not in a relationship, a rainbow in a dream promises a new romantic adventure. An interesting person will soon meet who will literally charm. Light flirting is likely to turn into a serious relationship, which may even end with a lavish wedding.

When, under cover of night, a light vision comes that two rainbows are spread out in the sky at once, this should be regarded as a very auspicious omen. Such a dream promises: in the coming days it will be possible to make peace with those with whom the dreamer has been in a quarrel for a long time. Old friends and comrades can remind themselves of themselves and share valuable information and important news. The dreamer will find a common language with the person on whom his fate will depend in the future. In addition, he will be able to prevail over enemies and competitors.

Among the negative interpretations of a rainbow dream, it is worth noting the following: sometimes such a night vision appears when the dreamer experiences too many groundless fears. A rainbow disappearing in a dream warns of a breakup with a loved one or the loss of a friend. If, in a dream, a rainbow suddenly flashed and then quickly extinguished, this signals that a streak of success and good luck in life will flash very quickly. And after it will come problems and difficulties, for which it is worth preparing mentally in advance.
