How To Apply A Bagua Mesh

How To Apply A Bagua Mesh
How To Apply A Bagua Mesh

Table of contents:


According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, everything that happens in our life can be divided into nine aspects of life. It is from these nine categories that the Bagua grid is formed. Each sector in it has its own direction (north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest), as well as its own color, its own element and its own talisman. You can put a Bagua grid on the plan of a house or apartment and find out where a particular sector is located and activate them to achieve your goal. First, you need to determine how the zones are located in your apartment. To do this, you will need a room plan, a regular compass, and a Bagua grid.

How to apply a bagua mesh
How to apply a bagua mesh


Step 1

Draw a detailed plan of your apartment.

Step 2

Divide the sketched plan into three parts vertically and horizontally. You will have a rectangle divided into nine equal parts.

Step 3

Take a compass, face the front door and determine the directions of the four parts of the world - north, south, west, east.

Step 4

Take tracing paper, on which you must first apply all the zones and directions in accordance with the Bagua grid. Put this tracing paper on the floor plan, and match the directions that you determined with the compass with the Bagua areas on the tracing paper.

Step 5

Now you need to define the concepts that each sector means. The “wealth” sector (southeast) is responsible for wealth and prosperity. If you want to attract abundance into your life, activate this zone. Glory (South) is responsible for the success in your life. Activating this sector will help you achieve success in life, give you confidence and determination. One of the most important sectors is "love" (southwest). Relationships between people, new friends - all this is included in this zone. If you want to achieve results in sports or art, to implement new projects - pay attention to this sector - "creativity" (west). Sector "helpers" (north- west). By activating this zone, you can always count on the help of friends and people around you. Success in your studies, the development of your abilities, you will achieve through the zone of "knowledge", which is located in the northeast. Another sector that is given great importance is “family” (east). He is responsible for the relationship between parents and children, relatives, as well as for harmony in the family. And the last sector - "health", which is in the center. Since this is a central area, it is interconnected with all sectors. After all, health is one of the main components of success in life.

Step 6

Now, knowing the meaning of the sectors of the magic octagon, you can independently decide which zone needs improvement first. And get ready for big changes in your life.
