Ancient astrologers determined that this or that talisman always brought good luck to people. With the help of them, they found love, wealth, health and much, much more. They are relevant to this day. You can choose them both by name and by the sign of the zodiac. I will focus on the second.

Aries belong to the element of fire, so gold will be the ideal talisman for them. It doesn't matter in what form it will be, be it earrings or a chain. Weapons or any metal objects can also protect them.
Taurus is an earth sign. They will be protected by a talisman-figurine, on which there will be an image of an elephant or an ox. Just keep in mind that this amulet should not be made of ivory. All kinds of boxes and bracelets can also serve as a talisman.
Gemini is an air sign. For a person with this zodiac sign, everything related to speed and information, for example, a book or a bicycle, is suitable as a talisman.
Cancers are suitable for objects that are somehow connected with water, because this is a water sign. The talisman can serve as marine life, crystal and silver. Also, crayfish should always have a small crescent with them. It is desirable that it be silver.
Leos are an authoritarian and domineering sign, so the talisman for them is something that at least somehow resembles power. For example, medals, orders, as well as all kinds of paintings that have an image of fire or a lion.
Virgo refers to the earthly element and symbolizes the goddess Athena, who was known to everyone for her endless wisdom. Thus, a clay figurine of an owl will be a talisman for people born under this sign.
Libra. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, a silver figurine in the form of scales will bring them good luck. And also some works of art will become good talismans for them.
Scorpions belong to the water element, so a figurine in the form of a frog will be an excellent protector and helper for them.
Sagittarius should wear a scarab as a talisman. All items that are somehow connected with a horse, for example, a horseshoe, will also bring good luck and prosperity.
A turtle figurine and various antiques in the form of medallions and dishes will bring grace to people born under the sign of Capricorn.
Aquarians are like an angel, therefore a porcelain figurine in the shape of an angel is a talisman for them. Figures in the form of birds and wings will also help people of this sign very well. You can also choose some mysterious and unusual things as a talisman.
Fish is a water element, so choose talismans that are associated with water, for example, corals. And you can also make a talisman from medicinal herbs.