How To Determine The Element Of The Zodiac Signs

How To Determine The Element Of The Zodiac Signs
How To Determine The Element Of The Zodiac Signs

The main types of energy in the world are Fire, Earth, Water and Air. Each of these elements is associated with the signs of the Zodiac and affects a person to a greater or lesser extent, determines his inner world and predispositions.

How to determine the element of the zodiac signs
How to determine the element of the zodiac signs

The moment of birth largely determines the character and even the fate of a person. The date of birth falls in the interval when the Sun is in one or another sign of the Zodiac. Each of them refers to one of four elements: Fire, Air, Earth or Water.

The elements of fire include Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The fire signs of the zodiac are easily carried away by a new business, they are engaged in it with passion, but with difficulty they bring it to the end. People of the fire element are initiative, active, and have leadership qualities. However, they are overly aggressive, arrogant and irritable.

Air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - are sociable, rational and intellectually developed. They have wonderful abstract thinking. People under the auspices of the air element have a lively mind, they are easy-going. Due to their practicality, they often seem too emotionally superficial. To maintain their vitality, they need fresh air, walks in the woods, or at least in the park.

The representatives of the water element are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The signs of Water are characterized by increased emotionality. They are empathetic and sensitive, intuition rarely lets them down. Due to a strong susceptibility to everything that happens, water signs are often touchy and tearful. Moreover, they have a special sexuality and magnetism.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn belong to the elements of the Earth. They are characterized by hard work, a practical and realistic view of the world. The earthly signs of the zodiac are distinguished by diligence, diligence, special persistence in achieving their goals. More often than representatives of other elements, they are slow and stubborn.

All four elements are represented in each person. It is important to determine not only the prevailing, but also the least pronounced element in order to most accurately understand the character of a person, determine his strengths and weaknesses, and find the key to communicating with him.