The Libra man is one of the brightest representatives of the strong half of humanity. He is an esthete who loves beauty and harmony in all its manifestations. Therefore, if you have an irresistible desire to charm him, you will have to try a lot.

Become the best for him
Given the fact that Libra strives for perfection in everything, you must first make every effort to have a flawless appearance. Appearance is the main trump card with which you can attract the attention of a man born under this sign.
The Libra man is an unsurpassed esthete. Therefore, the first thing that will disgust him is negligence in the little things of appearance.
Therefore, you should:
- change your wardrobe - you must give up aggressive and defiant outfits and try on the image of a graceful and feminine Lady;
- make a beautiful hairstyle, light makeup and manicure;
- if you have a tendency to overweight, sign up for a gym and monitor your diet.
After you began to feel his interest on yourself, it's time to move on to the next stage of conquest.
Take the initiative
It is known that Libra men by their nature are not conquerors, so you will not wait for him to take the first steps towards yourself. Try to take the initiative. Find common topics, flirt, but don't go overboard.
In addition, these men love to talk, so you should become for him an interlocutor with a sense of humor and pepper in conversation. Please note that a Libra man exalts his own person, so in conversations you will only be of interest to him as a sparring partner.
Behave with dignity and don't be too intrusive. You should breathe harmony and tranquility.
Do not under any circumstances show anger, irritation or aggression in front of him. These three emotions will lead all your attempts to charm to complete failure. Control yourself. At first, try not to frighten off the Libra man with unnecessary interrogations (“where have you been?” “Why didn't you call?”, Etc.). The ideal option would be to behave exactly like him. However, know the measure of everything, and do not try to make him jealous. Otherwise it will turn against you.
If you feel that the Libra man is dissatisfied with something, do not pester him with unnecessary questions, but just let him “cool down”. Learning to leave him alone with himself at the right time will give you a huge advantage over your rivals. And there are quite a lot of such girls around him.
But do not be discouraged, because if you can still accomplish the above and reach the level of the Ideal Girl, no one can replace you. The Libra man always puts his beloved in the first place in his life, even his mother and children cannot become more important to him than the second half. Try, improve yourself and achieve your goal!