Home amulets, made by the hands of the mistress of the house, appeared in Russia a long time ago. Their purpose is to protect the home and family from adversity, to patronize in business, to look after those who leave home. They had a different, often symbolic form and depicted household items and pets. Fortunately, beregini dolls were made, which served as toys for children. It was believed that thanks to the kind energy that the craftswoman put into them, they take away all misfortunes and troubles from the house.

It is necessary
- For the torso - a square piece of plain light fabric 20x20 cm,
- Synthetic linen or woolen threads,
- For a skirt - a colored flap,
- A little padding polyester or cotton wool,
- Red threads
- Scissors.
Step 1
Fold the torso flap diagonally and in half. In the resulting corner, put a dense "bun" rolled out of cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, the size of a ping-pong ball. This will be the head of the pupa. Wrap it with threads, tie it on a strong knot. Try to have fewer folds on one side, this will be the face of the amulet doll.
Step 2
From any two opposite corners of a square piece intended for the body, make arms, tuck the corners inward and wrap them with threads, stepping back 1 cm from the edge, these are the hands. Finally, shape your arms by grabbing them with threads and wrapping them around your "shoulders".
Step 3
Sew hair to the head by hand, parting it straight from the center of the head. Use synthetic linen or re-folded woolen thread for hair. Make the length of the fold larger, so that later the doll's "hair" can be braided and cut.
Step 4
Braid a braid, weave an elegant lace or thread into it, tie it tightly with a knot of thread, and trim the tail of the braid.
Step 5
From a patch of bright fabric, make a sundress for the doll by gathering it at the top. A sundress can be made on lace straps and the hem can be trimmed with the same lace. The doll's head can be tied with a beautiful rag - a scarf, or left "in girls" - with an uncovered head. Plant her in a secluded corner to protect your home.