The guitar is a popular musical instrument. You can learn to play the guitar on your own, without resorting to the services of teachers. This can be done with the help of tutorials and training videos.

It is necessary
Step 1
Check out the five basic chords and tabs. After you study these concepts, it will be easier for you to perceive in the future information on learning to play the guitar. The source of these concepts can be the Internet.
Step 2
Tune the first string on your guitar and then the rest. The first string is tuned by clamping the string at the 5th fret - the sound should be the same as the already tuned instrument. The second string is tuned with the first string of the guitar. To do this, hold down the 2nd string at the 5th fret, and no longer press down the first string. Now, in turn, we cling to these strings with a pick and get the sounds of these strings in unison. The third string, clamped at the ninth fret, sounds like a 1 open string. The fourth string at the ninth fret is like the second open string. The fifth string of a guitar, clamped at the tenth fret, is like an open third string. The sixth string at the tenth fret is like the fourth open.
Step 3
Take the key in A minor. It has three chords (Am - Dm - E). Play each chord four to five times - four to five strokes with your right thumb across all strings, from sixth to first. After the third chord, add the first - Am. Play these chords (Am - Dm - E - Am) slowly until your fingers get used to it. The next step is to play each chord twice. Once you can automatically set your fingers in these chords, try singing a song and playing along with your guitar. A simple song can be played on three basic chords, so you see these famous chords in every key. Pick your own key and play something.
Step 4
Download on the Internet any program that can play tablatures and simultaneously show which strings you need to clamp, for example, Guitar Pro 5. Start your favorite song in this program and practice.