The emergence and further formation of rock music as an independent direction in art took place in the early 50s of the last century in the United States of America. Initially, rock music was positioned as the protest music of youth culture against the moral foundations of previous generations.

Both cultural and social factors served as a prerequisite for the creation of a new musical direction. This is the deadly Second World War, and discrimination against the black population in a number of states, and stagnation in the arts. Rock, having absorbed various directions, elements of folklore of both black and white populations of America, has become a democratic and in keeping with the spirit of the times in the musical world.
The formation of rock music was influenced by various trends in the art of music. In the United States, by the beginning of the 1950s, country, Dixieland, country and western, folk, boogie-woogie, blues, white and black jazz were distinguished. The Negro environment had its own spiritual genres. All these musical trends to one degree or another influenced the formation of rock music, but the dominant role still belongs to the blues.
Rhythm and blues emerged from two popular trends in black circles - the New Orleans Dance Blues and the city blues. Initially, this music was popular only among the African-American population. By the mid-1950s, under the pressure of generational conflict and the reform of the US educational system, R&B broke racial barriers and became music for all.
Later, rhythm and blues gained independence and became one of the leading areas of musical art. Elements of white country music, merging with negro rhythm and blues, laid the foundation for the emergence of a new direction called Rock-And-Roll (Rock-And-Roll).
The concept of rock-and-roll in African-American music circles has been encountered earlier (since the early 1930s), it means "swing and roll" in the slang of black singers. With the light hand of Cleveland musician and disc jockey Alan Fried (1922-1965), the name "rock and roll" gained worldwide fame and popularity.
Later, the word rock (state) began to denote all the newly emerging musical trends, the basis for which served as rhythm and blues and rock and roll. At present, the concept of "rock music" also includes the progenitor of rock - classical rock 'n' roll, and avant-garde music that has nothing to do with the blues.