Macarena is a wonderful dance. Hardly anyone will be able to stay standing against the wall when the magical rhythms of the macarena spread throughout the dance hall. This enchanting Spanish dance has captured the whole world, and in fact it was created as a warm-up before the main physical activity. And surely the authors of the song of the same name, the Spanish group Los del Rio, assumed that it would become a hit, uniting people from different countries and generations in a single dance.

Step 1
Extend your right hand forward, palm down, as if you are floating in water. In the same way, you need to stretch out your left hand. Do these movements smoothly, without tension.
Step 2
Then flip over first with your right hand, palm up, and then with your left.
Step 3
With a light movement, transfer your right hand to your left shoulder, and place your left on your right. Arms crossed on the chest turn out.
Step 4
With a soft and not sweeping movement, the right hand goes behind the head, the palm is placed on the back of the head. You need to do the same with the second hand.
Step 5
Further, the right hand smoothly descends crosswise down to the left thigh, and the left hand, respectively, to the right.
Step 6
Now, not sweepingly, put your right hand on the right buttock, and the left on the left. And under the last bars of the melody, squatting slightly, make an eight with your buttocks. You can make a jump-turn 90 degrees to the side. Dance movements are performed until a full circle is obtained.
Step 7
Do not forget about the legs: with which hand the movement is made, on the same leg and the weight is transferred, a light step is made without lifting the toes off the floor.