Lovers of indoor flowers really like this ornamental plant with original leaves. Due to its shoots clinging to the supports, ivy is good both for decorating residential premises and for landscaping the facades of country houses. Lovers appreciate this plant for its unpretentiousness and rather easy growing conditions. Most often, ivy is grown naturally, like a liana. Its strong stems have many aerial roots. Due to them, ivy "climbs" on the wall of a house or apartment.

Step 1
Start growing decorative ivy in your home. Unpretentious to the content of the variety, which has oval and round leaves. Of interest is ivy with star-shaped leaves. The plant looks beautiful with corrugated edges of the leaves. As for the color of ivy, the leaves can be green, yellow, speckled.
Step 2
This plant is not whimsical at all. Ivy feels good in rooms that are not very well heated. There is only one condition - the temperature should not drop below +12 degrees. Ivy is a plant that loves constant spraying. Ivy varieties with variegated leaves love bright light. But the lack of direct lighting does not at all prevent ivy from developing well. In winter, when the daylight hours are very short, a phyto-lamp can be used for additional illumination of the plant.
Step 3
Ivy loves a moist substrate. In the summer, when the soil often dries up, the plant should be well watered. The water should not stagnate in the pot, as the roots can rot. You can give the plant a warm shower from time to time, gently washing its leaves.
Step 4
Ivy prefers light soil consisting of a mixture of peat and humus. The composition is as follows: 1 part of sod, 1 part of humus soil and 1 part of sand.
Step 5
Ivy grows quickly and therefore needs periodic feeding with various fertilizers. At the beginning of spring and during the summer, the plant must be fed with a special fertilizer for plants with decorative leaves. The regularity of feeding is once every two weeks. For the correct formation of the stems and to give the plant fluffiness, ivy, more precisely, the ends of its shoots, are pinched.
Step 6
The plant should be transplanted into a larger pot every two years. For reproduction, ivy cuttings are used, which root well in the soil after pretreatment with a root stimulant. With good care and optimal growth conditions, ivy is very rarely attacked by pests.