How To Glue Plexiglass

How To Glue Plexiglass
How To Glue Plexiglass

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Plexiglas is an excellent material in itself. It is easy to process and can be sawed, planed, extruded, blown, etc. Plexiglass parts are easily and firmly glued together, and so that even the gluing seams are transparent, almost invisible.

How to glue plexiglass
How to glue plexiglass


Step 1

For gluing plexiglass, dichloroethane is mainly used (you can use it in its pure form, you can dissolve shavings in it). However, when working with this substance, remember that it is poison, which means that you should only work with it in those rooms where there is good ventilation and there is no food nearby.

Step 2

When gluing plexiglass, the following types of joints are usually used: butt, overlap, with a lining, on a mustache and in a tongue. If you choose the correct connection method and supplement it with a competent selection of glue, then the resulting product will be durable and will also have an aesthetic appearance. For example, if you are gluing with a mustache, then keep in mind that the width of the mustache should be at least 3 times the width of the material itself. And when gluing with an overlap, make sure that the overlap is at least 4 times the thickness of the glass.

Step 3

After applying the glue, clamp the products with clamps (you can also tie them tightly) and hold for 3 hours.

Step 4

In order to prepare the glue, take 100 g of dichloroethane and dissolve 2-5 g of plexiglass shavings in it, do not forget to stir the mixture during this (the process takes about 30 minutes). Leave the resulting solution so that the chips swell well. Leave the finished glue for 2-3 days.

Step 5

Apply the adhesive evenly to the surfaces to be bonded and make sure that the brush only moves in one direction. Take care not to leave untreated areas or air bubbles.

Step 6

Lubricate the surfaces selected for bonding with dichloroethane and compress until air bubbles appear. Remember that the setting time is a few minutes. Often, plexiglass products have separate parts that are glued together during installation.
