Any performance on stage must be carefully prepared. Coming up with your number, make sure that every minute of your introduction is subordinated to the logic of the development of the stage event and corresponds to the theme of the number.

Step 1
Decide on the type of art that you will present to the public. If you have multiple talents, choose whichever suits you best. Also, focus on the composition of the entire concert - your number should fit into it organically. Think about which show will appeal to the type of audience (age or social group) expected at the show.
Step 2
Write the script for the number. Even if you are on stage for two minutes, this stage of work is not canceled. Your room should have an opening, a development of the event, a climax and a denouement. You can also make an open ending - such endings look pretty impressive. Think carefully about the image of your hero - the more you know about his fictional fate, the more organic you will look on stage.
Step 3
Come up with number elements for each stage of the script. If you are having difficulty, seek help from a specialist in this art form. Also consider the transitions between key points. In the interval between the climax and the denouement, the action should not slow down or be interrupted, the viewer should not see that in these moments you left the role and just fill in the pause.
Step 4
Prepare props for the room. In this matter, you can also use the help of a professional or rely only on your own strength. In any case, the props and costume must be prepared in advance so that the number does not break off at the last moment.
Step 5
Practice your presentation. Show the finished result to your mentor and make a show for a small number of viewers - this can be your family and friends. Monitor their reactions and take comments into account to correct deficiencies. You can also record your performance on video - so you can look at yourself from the outside.