Astrologers characterize people born under the sign of Scorpio as excellent masters of disguise. At first glance, a Scorpio man seems often calm and insensitive, but this impression is deceiving. In the process of deeper communication, the fire burning in his soul can burn you severely.

Step 1
Try to meet his expectations. Scorpio men appreciate in women such qualities as sex appeal, passion, mystery, inner strength. The girlfriend of such a person should be a bit of a witch and not be afraid of danger.
Step 2
Be prepared for Scorpios prone to excess in love, drugs, alcohol and food. For these men, both love and sex are a significant part of life.
Step 3
Communicate with Scorpio as much as possible, defend your point of view - all this excites him. Very often the end of the discussion can be postponed due to a sex break. Emotional quarrels with violent reconciliations are an obligatory part of the love game for Scorpios.
Step 4
Keep in mind that a man born under the sign of Scorpio rarely gets really attached. He likes confident women who are not easy to win. Usually he hides his feelings, does not like lisping.
Step 5
Do not offend his feelings, do not deceive his trust, in no case laugh at his weaknesses - Scorpio men cannot stand this and are unlikely to forgive. But do not be too soft and compliant, as women who are too compliant quickly get bored with them.
Step 6
Do not play with a Scorpio man, this is an unreasonable move. He is jealous, domineering and does not allow a woman to control him. Let him lead everything he undertakes.
Step 7
Do not show that you sometimes manage to penetrate his true thoughts and feelings. Scorpio should not guess that you are gradually beginning to understand his personality, as he almost always surrounds himself with an aura of mystery and mystery.
Step 8
Give him a gift with or without it, Scorpio will love such a surprise. The donated thing must be of practical importance, otherwise he will transfer it to another person. Scorpio prefers perfumery with a sensual, mysterious aroma. When choosing products with stones, keep in mind that the mascot of this zodiac sign is aquamarine.