The Scorpio man is not an easy person. His perseverance and resilience can be envied, but his strength sometimes borders on cruelty and heartlessness. Scorpios are distinguished by developed intelligence and discernment.

What is a Scorpio man in everyday life
A man under the sign of Scorpio is a strong and domineering person with powerful energy. It is almost impossible to influence him, this man has been defending his right to independence all his life. If he wanted to achieve something, he will do it at any cost. He is not used to reckoning with other people's opinions, guided solely by his own interests. The people around him can see in him a cold egoist.
The intelligence of such a man is high. He does not have the habit of adjusting to people, preferring direct statements to veiled ones. The Scorpio man carefully hides his emotions under the guise of indifference, but this does not mean emotional coldness. The close people of such a man know that serious passions are boiling inside him. No matter how intellectual a Scorpio is, emotions no less than reason influence the decisions he makes.
Because of this, the Scorpio man is greedy for revenge, although most often it does not come to the point. He is vindictive. If life puts obstacles in front of him, he hardens even more and goes ahead. It is this property of not falling into despair that helps him always win, no obstacles can withstand the onslaught of his aggressive energy. A purposeful Scorpio man is almost impossible to lead astray.
For complete happiness, a Scorpio man needs material wealth, which he can easily achieve with his strength. However, well-being corrupts individuals like him. Often, Scorpio men develop bad habits: alcoholism, drug addiction. The expressed eroticism of the Scorpio man and love of sexual experiments pushes him to look for various partners.
Scorpio man in communication
The Scorpio man is distinguished by amazing insight, he is well versed in people. To gain confidence in them and make them open up, the Scorpio man puts on the mask of a cheerful and even gentle person. Very often they are betrayed by eyes that radiate an attractive force. A Scorpio man can make excessively high demands to the people around him, which sometimes borders on cruelty. It is better to maintain a good relationship with a Scorpio man, because this is a dangerous opponent. Scorpios sting very hard.
It can be difficult for outsiders to communicate with a Scorpio man, because his strength overwhelms the weaker. Many people admire his resilience and fearlessness. This man also has vulnerabilities that he practically does not show to anyone. He needs praise and human participation, although he tries to hide it.